
  • 网络Exchange Fund Note;EFN
  1. 投资于外汇基金债券有甚么风险?

    What are the risks of investing in exchange fund notes ?

  2. 外汇基金债券的投标会在何时举行?

    When will tender for exchange fund notes be held ?

  3. 外汇基金债券的持有人会在何时获派付利息?

    When will holders of exchange fund notes be paid the interest ?

  4. 外汇基金债券投标结果会于何时公布?

    When will the results of the exchange fund notes tenders be available ?

  5. 新闻稿:发行编号2708外汇基金债券非竞争性投标结果。

    Press release : results of non-competitive tender for exchange fund notes no.2708 .

  6. 哪些外汇基金债券可供零售投资认购?

    Which issues of exchange fund notes are available for subscription by retail investors ?

  7. 参与投标以认购外汇基金债券需办理甚么手续?

    What are the detailed procedures for subscribing to exchange fund notes in tenders ?

  8. 年内,发行外汇基金债券的平均超额认购倍数约为2.9倍。

    The average over-subscription rate for the Note issues was about 2.9 times in 1999 .

  9. 投资者如何取得有关新发行外汇基金债券的资料?

    How can investors obtain detailed information about specific new issue of exchange fund notes ?

  10. 一般投资者如何于第二市场买卖外汇基金债券?

    How can retail investors purchase and sell Exchange Fund Notes in the secondary market ?

  11. 甚么是外汇基金债券?

    What are exchange fund notes ?

  12. 只会在有资金流入的情况下,金管局才会发行新的外汇基金债券票据。

    New exchange fund paper to be issued only when there is an inflow of funds .

  13. 为甚么认可交易商提供的报价可能会与外汇基金债券定价不同?

    Why may the quotes provided by recognised dealers differ from the exchange fund notes fixings ?

  14. 另一项措施是让外汇基金债券在香港联合交易所上市。

    Another initiative was the listing of Exchange Fund Notes on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong .

  15. 自一九九九年八月十六日起,所有未偿还外汇基金债券已在联交所上市买卖。

    All outstanding issues of Exchange Fund Notes were listed and traded on the Stock Exchange since August 16 .

  16. 投资者可参考外汇基金债券定价,以得悉现行的基准债券清单。

    Investors may also make reference to the exchange fund notes fixings for the current list of benchmark issues .

  17. 本期收益及留存收益表长期外汇基金债券收益率大致上与短期港元利率走势一致。

    The yields of long-term Exchange Fund Notes were largely consistent with movements in short-term Hong Kong dollar interest rates .

  18. 投资者应先了解其有意采用以买卖外汇基金债券的渠道的具体买卖手续。

    Investors should familiarise themselves with trading procedures of specific channel through which heshe intends to trade exchange fund notes .

  19. 外汇基金债券由香港特别行政区政府发行,因此是一项安全可靠的投资。

    Issued by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government , the exchange fund notes are safe and secured investments .

  20. 因此,投资者无需待至举行投标时才能购买外汇基金债券,而是可以随时入市。

    So investors need not wait for an EFN tender to acquire EFNS and can enter the market at any time .

  21. 年期较长的外汇基金债券与同期美国国库券的收益率差距维持于正水平,但息差已于年内收窄。

    The yield differentials between the Exchange Fund Notes and US Treasuries remained positive at the long end , but had narrowed during the year .

  22. 此外,外汇基金债券分销商在第二市场向一般投资者销售外汇基金债券时,亦须遵守多项划一的标准。

    In addition , the distributors will adhere to a number of unified standards in the distribution of exchange fund notes to retail investors in the secondary market .

  23. 此举是确保银行利用外汇基金债券票据作为抵押品,经贴现窗进行的回购协议不会违反货币发行局制度的严格原则。

    This is to ensure that the repo of Exchange Fund paper through the discount window does not involve any departure from the discipline of the currency board system .

  24. 金管局发行更多较长期的外汇基金债券,代替短期债券,以及定期预先公布外汇基金债券季度发行时间表,均广受市场欢迎。

    The replacement of short-dated Exchange Fund paper by longer-dated paper and the publication of an advance quarterly issuance schedule of Exchange Fund paper were well received by the market .

  25. 按照持牌银行使用贴现窗涉及的外汇基金债券票据数量占其所持该等债券票据总额的百分比,制定适用的贴现率。

    Introducing a schedule of discount rates applicable for different percentage thresholds of holdings of Exchange Fund paper by the licensed banks for the purpose of accessing the discount window .

  26. 开放让一般投资者参与债券市场的一手市场,当然只是我们日后努力工作的其中一部分,而且并不一定局限于外汇基金债券。

    Access for retail investors to the primary market of debt , not necessarily restricted to exchange fund notes , is , of course , only part of our continuing efforts .

  27. 银行可利用外汇基金票据债券作为即日回购协议的抵押品,以获取免息即日流动资金。

    Banks can obtain interest-free intraday liquidity through intraday repo using exchange fund bills notes .

  28. 外汇基金票据及债券的市值。

    Market value of Exchange Fund Bills and Notes .

  29. 外汇基金票据和债券达1019亿元。

    Of this , Exchange Fund Bills and Notes amounted to $ 101.9 billion .

  30. 年内,外汇基金票据及债券的平均每日成交量为161亿元。

    The daily turnover of Exchange Fund paper during 1999 averaged $ 16.1 billion .