
  • 网络foreign exchange futures transaction;foreign exchange frtrues transaction;Foreign Exchange Future
  1. 自1972年芝加哥交易所开始外汇期货交易以来,包括期货、远期、掉期和期权在内的各种金融衍生品就层出不穷。

    Since the Chicago Stock Exchange started the foreign exchange futures transaction in 1972 , there come out endless variety of financial derivatives , including futures , forwards , swaps and options .

  2. 企业如何运用外汇期货交易来保值

    How do the Enterprises Use Foreign Currency Futures as a Hedge

  3. 您说过,他们可以作外汇期货交易购买美元。

    As you said , they can buy the dollars forward to .

  4. 本文从外汇期货交易的基本交易原理出发,浅析了企业该如何运用这种方法来进行保值的做法。

    The essay deals with how the enterprises use this method as a hedge according to the basic transaction principles of the foreign currency futures .

  5. 例如,某公司知道将在一个月以后需要用某一种货币来支付一份账单,那么采用外汇期货交易,公司就能避免某些风险。

    For example , if a company knows that will need a particular foreign currency to pay a bill in a month 's time , a forward deal enables it to protect itself .

  6. 该基金还从事利率、外汇和股票期货交易。

    It also trades in interest rates , foreign exchange and equity futures .