
  • 网络elements of exterior orientation;exterior orientation parameters
  1. 本文推导了星载测定外方位元素参与下,无地面控制点卫星摄影测量高程误差估算公式。

    This paper deduces elevation error estimating formulae of the satellite photogrammetry , which is concerned with elements of exterior orientation that measured by spaceborne sensors .

  2. 稀少控制点地区遥感影像精确纠正的关键在于获得拍摄时刻影像的高精度外方位元素。

    The key technique for precise orientation of RS image in GCP scarce region is to obtain the high-precision elements of exterior orientation on the imaging moment .

  3. SPOT像片外方位元素之间的相关性及克服方法的研讨

    Study of the correlation characteristics of SPOT image exterior elements and overcoming solutions

  4. 基于岭估计的SPOT影像外方位元素的解算方法

    The Method of Compute the Exterior Orientation Elements of SPOT Image Based on Ridge Estimation

  5. 两步解法用于求解线阵CCD影像外方位元素

    Computing the exterior orientation elements of array-scanned image by using two-step solution

  6. 广义岭估计在解算单线阵CCD卫星影像外方位元素中的应用

    Application of Generalized Ridge Estimate to Computing the Exterior Orientation Elements of Satellite Linear Array Scanner Imagery

  7. 利用Metadata数据文件精确获取SPOT-5外方位元素

    Precise Acquisition of SPOT-5 Exterior Orientation Elements Using Metadata Data File

  8. 利用2维DLT和共线方程分解相机外方位元素

    Decomposing Camera 's Exterior Orientation Elements Using 2D DLT and Collinearity Equation

  9. 高精度GPS差分载波相位多普勒/INS新型全组合解算机载TLS外方位元素

    Accurately Calculating Exterior Orientation Elements of Airborne TLS Using Kalman Filter to Process the New Combination of GPS Double-Difference Carrier Phase and Doppler / INS Data

  10. 外方位元素观测值是三线阵CCD影像光束法平差不可缺少的数据,经过平差可以不同程度地提高平差的高程精度。

    - The observations of the exterior orientation element are the necessary data for the three-line array CCD image bundle adjustment . By the adjustment , the elevation accuracy can be improved in variant levels .

  11. 首先介绍了基于广义点的摄影测量,在分析基于直线特征广义点摄影测量的基础上,通过ICP方法的引入,从而建立了一种基于自由态控制曲线的外方位元素解算方法。

    At the basis of analyzing generalized points photogrammetry based on line feature , making use of the ICP arithmetic , a resection from free-form control curves has been constructed .

  12. 提出利用广义岭估计和主成分估计两种解算单线阵CCD卫星影像外方位元素的方法,并且给出了计算相应参数的公式。

    Two methods , the generalized ridge estimate and the primary component estimate , are presented to compute the exterior orientation elements of linear array scanner image . The formulas of educing the parameters of these estimates are provided .

  13. 利用GNSS/IMU导航解到外方位元素的转换公式,建立了严格的IMU偏心角模型。

    According to the equations which transform the GNSS / IMU navigation result to photogrammetric exterior orientation elements the rigorous mathematical model of IMU misalignment angles is derived .

  14. 实验结果表明,文中利用HPR角计算外方位元素的理论与方法正确、可行。

    Test result shows that the theory and method to calculate the exterior orientation elements is right and feasible .

  15. 再者,航空遥感使用机载高精度定位测姿系统(POS系统),在获取航空遥感影像的同时直接测定影像的外方位元素,可实现直接传感器定向。

    Furthermore , high accuracy airbone Positioning and Orientation System ( POS system ) is used , during the image acquisition the exterior orientation parameters are directly determined at the same time .

  16. 利用残差绝对值和最小法进行单线阵CCD卫星影像的后方交会,一般来说,不仅可以克服外方位元素之间的强相关性,而且可以有效地剔除粗差。

    Generally , the application of the adjustment model of minimizing the sum of absolute residuals in satellitic linear array scanner imagery resection not only can overcome the strong relativity of exterior orientation elements , but also can eliminate gross error effectively .

  17. 本文在测量部分详细论述了采用直接线性变换法(DLT)解算内、外方位元素的理论推导过程以及如何建立一个三维控制场。

    In measure part This paper discussed the directly linear translation ( DLT ) theory in detail , and how to use this theory to calculate inner and outer element , and also tell how to establish a three-dimensional control site .

  18. 模拟计算表明,航线长度可以≥2B,在有外方位元素或无外方位元素少量控制点条件下,不论二线交会区,还是三线交会区均可达到高程精度为6m的摄影测量成果。

    The Simulated result indicate that the length of strip can be longer or equal to 2B . On condition with exterior orientation parameters or without exterior parameters but a few control points , the accuracy of elevation can be better than 6 meters whether twofold or threefold overlapping .

  19. 外方位元素视为真值的摄影测量位移监测

    Photogrammetric displacement monitoring taking the exterior orientation elements as true value

  20. 考虑内定向误差的外方位元素精度分析

    The accuracy analysis of elements of exterior orientation considering the error interior orientation

  21. 像片外方位元素解算的程序设计与实现

    Design and realization of program to calculate the other position element of photograph

  22. 相机的外方位元素是摄影测量立体重建的重要参数。

    Camera 's exterior orientation elements are important parameters for photogrammetry stereo reconstruction .

  23. 基于自由态控制曲线的外方位元素解算

    Recovery of Exterior Orientation Based on Free-form Control Curves

  24. 利用物理方法确定外方位元素的卫星立体摄影测量的精度分析

    The precision analysis of satellite stereophotogrammetry using physical method to determine exterior orientation elements

  25. 航摄象片按外方位元素解析法纠正的算法和实现

    Analytical Method of Geometric Correction of Aerial Image

  26. 引入粗差探测的外方位元素的解算。

    The gross error detection scheme is introduced into the computation of exterior elements .

  27. 该流程包含外方位元素求解和影像重采样两个步骤。

    The process includes two steps : solving the exterior orientation elements and image resampling .

  28. 在计算卫星遥感影像外方位元素时存在病态问题。

    The ill-posed problem is often confronted when computing the satellite remote sensing image orientation elements .

  29. 通过3维直接线性变换,利用3维控制场可以很容易地确定相机的外方位元素。

    It is easy to determine these parameters by 3D direct linear transformation using known 3D control fields .

  30. 利用IMU/DGPS组合导航技术,可以在航空摄影的同时直接获取像片的外方位元素。

    The direct measurement of exterior orientations using the integrated IMU / DGPS system proves to be an effective means .