
  • 网络external finance;External financing;Outside Financing
  1. 主要结论和创新体现在以下几个方面:第一,FDI是较为安全的外部融资方式。

    The main concluding remarks and contributions are reflected by the following points : Firstly , FDI is a safer channel of external finance .

  2. IMF有一个重要的操作职能&向由于无法获得某种可兑换货币的外部融资而发生国际收支危机的赤字国提供融资。

    The IMF has an important operational function – to provide financing to deficit countries that experience a crisis in their balance of payments because of unavailability of external finance in a convertible currency .

  3. 据《广告周刊》杂志透露,TheDailyDot没有外部融资,起步资金仅为60万美元。

    According to Adweek , the daily dot has no outside financing , and has started with just $ 600,000 .

  4. 有资产担保的商业票据市场陷入停顿,各银行为将抵押贷款移至资产负债表外而建立的特殊投资工具(specialinvestmentvehicles),也不再能够获得外部融资。

    The asset-backed commercial paper market came to a standstill and the special investment vehicles set up by banks to get mortgages off their balance sheets could no longer get outside financing .

  5. 第三部分阐述IPO决策机制,包括外部融资时机、定价、承销商的选择和IPO发行程序。

    The third section expounds the IPO decision mechanism including exterior financing opportunities , pricing , underwriter selection and IPO issuing procedure .

  6. 外部融资时机指公司抓住市场短暂的机会窗口作出IPO决策。

    A corporation should catch hold of transitory " window of opportunity ", i.e. exterior financing opportunities , to make IPO decision .

  7. Galleon破产事件让包括在麦肯锡公司、IBM和英特尔公司的这些名企业的员工们参与了外部融资。

    The Galleon case has ensnared people at big-name firms outside finance , including McKinsey & Company , IBM and Intel .

  8. 总部位于波士顿的CSNStores是一家有着九年历史的家居用品零售网站,但在本月早些时候之前从未进行过外部融资。

    Boston-based CSN stores is a nine-year old online retailer of home goods , but had never raised outside funding until earlier this month .

  9. 仿真模拟的结果证实了FDI的变动会通过改变资产价格和企业资产负债表引起企业外部融资溢价的改变,进而影响企业的投资和生产决策,造成经济波动。

    Simulation results confirm that the changes of FDI change the asset prices , balance sheets and external financing premium of the enterprises , which affect the investment and production decisions of the enterprises , resulting in economic fluctuations .

  10. Grindr此前没有进行过外部融资。

    Grindr has previously not raised capital from outside investors .

  11. 但如今,外部融资放慢或许会改变局面。

    But a slowing of outside funding may change things now .

  12. 企业外部融资分为债务融资和权益融资两种方式。

    Corporate external financing comprise of debt financing and equity financing .

  13. 上市公司外部融资行为的寻租效应分析

    Rent-seeking effect analysis of outside financing behavior of the listed company

  14. 如果没有外部融资,爱尔兰政府将会违约。

    Without external finance , the government would have defaulted .

  15. 外部融资约束与公司现金持有量研究

    Study on the Relationship between External Financing Constraints and Corporate Cash Holdings

  16. 如果外部融资枯竭,经济就会收缩。

    When the external finance dried up , economies contracted .

  17. 公司的融资方式有两种:内部融资和外部融资。

    Corporate financing has two kinds : internal financing and external financing .

  18. 08年,由于银行拒绝继续提供贷款,外部融资渠道被无情封死。

    Outside financing was brutally killed in2008 , as banks stopped lending .

  19. 缺少外部融资,进口将下滑,国内生产将遭到破坏。

    Without external funding , imports would collapse , disrupting domestic production .

  20. 外部融资与经营净资产之间存在一定相关性。

    External financing has some correlations with net operating assets .

  21. 同时,民营企业获取外部融资并不容易。

    At the same time , exogenous financing is difficult for private enterprises .

  22. 科研院所可能的融资方式包括内部融资和外部融资。

    The financing channels of research institute include inside financing and outside financing .

  23. 其中,外部融资包括债务融资和股权融资。

    Among them , the external financing includes equity financing and debt financing .

  24. 债权融资是企业外部融资的主要方式之一。

    Creditor 's rights financing is one of the principal external financial mode .

  25. 但是,在不完善的资本市场中,一些公司受到外部融资约束。

    Actually , imperfect capital market leads to some companies facing external financial constraint .

  26. 对于那些依赖外部融资来成长的企业而言,金融发展水平的提高能促进企业的成长性;

    But alsp promote the growth of those firms that depend on external financing ;

  27. 外部融资(包括预防性融资)有助于促进有序的调整。

    External financing , including on a precautionary basis , can help facilitate orderly adjustment .

  28. 实证研究表明,上市公司的内部治理水平越高,越有利于公司获得长期外部融资。

    Firms with higher level of inner governance can get much more long-term debt outside .

  29. 而外部融资一般分为银行贷款、债券融资和股权融资。

    And external financing is generally divided into bank loans , bond financing and equity financing .

  30. 融资顺序不合理,先外部融资再内部融资,先股票融资再举债融资。

    Financing order is not reasonable .