
  • dribble;【电子】open reel tape
  1. 就像你经常做的,你怎么盘带?(估计也是个踢球的)

    Question : How do you make the dribbles like you always do them ?

  2. 盘带-你的组织核心必须擅长盘带。

    Dribbling - Your playmaker must be good at dribbling .

  3. 克劳奇不喜欢强硬突破,相反倒是喜欢盘带。

    Crouch is also no stranger to hard graft .

  4. 盘带和进攻意识及其突出。

    Plate belt and attack consciousness and prominent .

  5. 盘带结合的数字硬盘播控系统

    The Digital Play and Control System for HD

  6. 盘带结合自动播出系统软件分析

    Disc and Tape-Based Automatic Broadcasting System Software Analysis

  7. 他以敏捷的身手,出神入化的盘带和能撕破整条防线的致命传球而成名。

    He is renowned for his agility , dribbling and his defence splitting passes .

  8. 技术训练有助于增强球员的控球、传球和盘带的能力。

    This exercise encourages your palyers to improve their ball control , passing and dribbling .

  9. 作为一个快速敏捷的边锋,他凭借良好的盘带和传球能力为大家熟知。

    A quick and agile winger , Zhang is known for his crossing and dribbling ability .

  10. 铲球,过人,传球,无球跑,创造力,耐力和盘带。

    Pace , dribbling , passing , off the ball , creativity , stamina and crossing .

  11. 动盘带预旋喷嘴的旋转盘腔内流场的相似分析与数值模拟

    Similarity Analysis and Numerical Simulation of the Flow Field in a Rotating Disk System with Rotating Pre-Swirl Nozzle

  12. 于是,在对电视台播控系统工作机制不断分析研究的基础上,我们遵循播出系统的设计原则,给出了一套以硬盘播出为主盘带结合的自动播出系统。

    According to the principle of broadcasting system , we design the hard-disk broadcasting system that is compatible with tapes .

  13. 莫里森是一个盘带能力不错的攻击中场,能传能射。

    Morrison is an attacking midfielder who can run with the ball , score goals and pass the ball wonderfully .

  14. 不过,如果人们喜欢看他盘带的话,他看起来就没有那么伟大了。

    But if they want to see him as a dribbler , they will not see the great player he is .

  15. 当组织核心能够盘带时,前锋就不必做同样多的盘带来获取空间。

    With a playmaker that can dribble , the strikers don 't have to do as much work to gather space .

  16. 本文对盘带结合自动播出系统软性能要求及发展趋势进行了系统的论述。

    In this paper , the Disc and Tape-Based Soft automatically broadcast system performance requirements and development trend of the exposition .

  17. 我只记得大米在边路盘带,何塞得到他的直塞,传出了一个好球。

    I just remember Bellers ( Craig Bellamy ) running down the wing , Jose on the overlap and putting a great ball in .

  18. 他喜欢把球控制在自己的脚下,但是这并不意味着他经常盘带过人,他仅仅是想带动全队的运作。

    He likes to have the ball at his feet but not because he likes to dribble , he just wants to keep the team moving .

  19. 同样灵活左右脚,盘带,面对后卫快速的突破,加上精确的判断力使得他在三次出场中就有5个进球。

    Equally comfortable with both feet , his close-control , lightning darts through the defence and unerring accuracy helped him score five goals on three occasions .

  20. 高盘带但是低技术能力意味着他能够在盘带时把球控制好但是在技术上不是特别好。

    High dribbling and low technical ability means someone who is able to keep the ball under control well while dribbling but is not particular good technically .

  21. 比利亚,抢点盘带任意球都是他得强项,欧洲豪门俱乐部争夺得对象。

    Villa , makes up time the plate belt free kick is his strong point , the European Rich and powerful family Club competes for the object .

  22. 好的边锋的标准在于速度,盘带,传球,无球跑动,创造性,耐力和传中。

    Pace , dribbling , passing , off the ball , creativity , stamina and crossing are just some of the important characteristics that make for a good winger .

  23. 最好的办法是让他们知道传球的重要。让他们知道传球比漂亮的盘带更为重要。

    The best way is to let them understand the importance of making a good pass , let they know that good passes are more important than elegant dribbling .

  24. 本文基于台达变频器在盘带机上的应用案例,论述盘带机自动化系统设计调试过程以及遇到的问题分析。

    This article based on the case of application of DELTA inverter on twine coil machine , discussed the design debugging process of twine coil machine automation system and analyzed the problem .

  25. 生产工艺先进,包括平织、提花、螺旋、缎档、割绒、毛巾绣、盘带绣等应有尽有,以便最大程度的满足不同消费群体的需求,更是市场上团购产品的首选。

    There are many kinds and colors in flat knitted , velvet , sateen , jacquard and so on , which to the largest extent , meet the needs of different consumer groups .

  26. 一个激情守旧的盘带者是很难离开球的,达米恩负责突破渗透,也要分担进球的重任。

    An exciting , old-style dribbler who is hard to shake off the ball , Damien has an eye for a penetrating pass or cross and weighs in with his share of goals too .

  27. 相反,你的组织核心能够盘带,在对方半场找到空当,把球吊入禁区并期待你的前锋能够起跳头球入网。

    Instead , your playmaker can do the dribbling , find some room in the attacking half , lob the ball into the box and hopefully one of your strikers will pop his head up and net a goal .