
pán rǎo
  • twine;coil;wreathe;weave
盘绕 [pán rào]
  • (1) [twine;coil]∶螺旋状地或圈状地缠绕在某物上

  • 她把头发盘绕在头顶上

  • (2) [weave]∶用(如藤条、灯心草、嫩枝)互相围绕做成(篮子或环状物)

盘绕[pán rǎo]
  1. 她派永远保持警惕的巨龙拉冬盘绕在树上作守卫。

    Ladon to coil around the tree AS its guardian .

  2. 盘绕管道。可加装或去除平板和翼片。

    Pipe coil . Plates and fins can be added or removed .

  3. 那条蛇盘绕起来准备攻击。

    The snake coiled up , ready to strike .

  4. 薄雾盘绕着山巅。

    Mist coiled around the tops of the hills .

  5. 一条巨大的响尾蛇盘绕在毯子上。

    A huge rattlesnake lay coiled on the blanket .

  6. 路易莎打着圈儿翩翩起舞,裙摆时而肆意飞扬,时而盘绕脚边。

    Louisa was dancing , spinning by herself , her skirt flying out and coiling around her feet

  7. 蛇盘绕在树上。

    The snake coiled around the tree .

  8. 蛇盘绕在树枝上。

    The snake coiled itself round the branch .

  9. 那蛇盘绕在树枝上。

    The snake coiled round the branch .

  10. 攀缘植物盘绕着树干。

    The climbing plant curled round the trunk of the tree .

  11. 在山体滑坡的表面,我们能够看到有趣的山包,盘绕的丘陵和悬崖

    Interesting hummocks swirls and are found on the surface of the landslide .

  12. 这藤盘绕在树干上

    The vine twines round the tree .

  13. 大核J型,两端明显盘绕,纵贯于体内。

    One macronucleus J-shape , but rather curved in both end .

  14. 进一步研究表明DNA层结构是由高度相对较高的平行单链DNA盘绕而成,并倾向于形成三重对称模式。

    Further AFM observation of the layer structures revealed that they are composed of parallel ssDNA chains with relatively higher height and tend to form patterns with three fold symmetry .

  15. 这条眼镜蛇被周四早晨发现的时候“盘绕在一个隐蔽的阴暗角落”,动物园负责人JimBreheny说。

    The cobra was discovered " coiled sort of secluded in a dark corner " Thursday morning , according to zoo director Jim Breheny .

  16. 拼图大师戴维特给自己最近发明的东西起了个名字叫作“齿轮鞭子(GearedWhiplash)”。这个类似于溜溜球的传动装置由一串相互连接的齿轮元件组成,元件可以紧紧盘绕起来,甩一下就变成一条长链。

    Puzzlemaster Oskar van Deventer has created is something he calls the " Geared Whiplash . " This yo-yo gearing contraption is comprised of a snake of interlinked gear elements , which can be coiled up compactly or whipped out into a long chain .

  17. 氯丙嗪的流动注射光化学反应在一编结反应器中进行,该反应器盘绕在一荧光灯上并接受由该灯发出的最大幅射波长为365nm的紫外线照射。

    Flow injection-photochemical reaction of chlorpromazine was carried out in a knot - ted reactor that was coiled around a fluorescent lamp and irradiated by its UV light with the emission maximum at 365 nm .

  18. 长春藤盘绕着橡树。

    The ivy twined round [ around ] the oak tree .

  19. 其精巢是由无数的生殖小管盘绕成的。

    The testis consists of great number of twinning seminiferous tubules .

  20. 昆达里尼字面意思就是‘盘绕’,像一条蛇。

    Kundalini literally means ' coiling , ' like a snake .

  21. 盘绕急转风的阵风,更高离开吹它。

    Swirling whirling gust of wind , blowing it higher away .

  22. 盘绕传动机构运动特性分析

    Analysis of kinematic behavior for twisted chain transmission mechanism

  23. 一个庞大无比盘绕着火焰的魔眼

    A Great Eye , lidless , wreathed in flame

  24. 用来作为障碍的盘绕的带刺的金属丝。

    A coiled barbed wire used as an obstacle .

  25. 这条小路盘绕在小山上。

    The upper [ lower ] case The path twisted up the hill .

  26. 那条蛇在洞穴中盘成一团[盘绕着]。

    The snake coiled itself [ was coiled ] up in the cave .

  27. 扁平纸板,用于盘绕纱线、缎带或布匹

    Flat-shaped card for winding yarn , ribbon or cloth

  28. 卷须盘绕起来把植物拉向它的支撑物

    Its tendril coils on itself , pulling the plant towards its support .

  29. 他的眼睛一直紧紧盯着那条盘绕在魔法笼子里面的蛇。

    His eyes were fixed upon the coiling snake in its enchanted cage .

  30. 蛇身体扭动盘绕成的圈这条小路盘绕在小山上。

    The writhing coils of a snake The path twisted up the hill .