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  1. 通过分析EHPS系统的转阀的工作特性曲线,确定了电动机转速与车速、转向盘角速度的关系。

    By the analysis of working characteristic curve about the steering valve in EHPS system , the relationship between the motor speed , steering angular velocity and vehicle speed is explored .

  2. 汽车转向盘角脉冲试验数据后处理方法

    Post-processing Approach on Vehicle Steering Wheel Angle Pulse Test Data

  3. 汽车方向盘角输入识别的研究

    Research on Vehicle Steering Angle Input Identification

  4. 薄壁筒体与法兰盘角环缝自动焊胀胎设计中几个主要参数的计算方法

    Calculating Methods of several Main Parameters in Designing Girth Automatic Welding Expand tubes for Thin-wall Cases and Ring Flanges

  5. 以转向盘角阶跃为例进行了非线性的仿真计算,对汽车的动态运动特性进行了分析。

    A practical example for step input of steering angle is simulated , and the vehicle dynamic performance is analyzed .

  6. 在线性二自由度角输入前轮转向汽车开环模型基础上,利用径向基函数网络建立了汽车横摆角速度响应与方向盘角输入之间的映射关系。

    Using radial basis function neural networks , the mapping relation between lateral angular velocity and steering angle input is found .

  7. 通过方向盘角阶跃输入和正弦输入的识别结果表明,这种识别方向盘角输入的方法是可行的,并且具有识别精度高、运算速度快等优点。

    The identification results of step and sine steering angle input showed that the proposed identification method is not only practical , but also with high accuracy . 2 .

  8. 最后通过稳态回转整车场地试验验证了本文所建动力学仿真模型;进一步通过其它场地试验包括转向盘角阶跃输入试验、转向盘角脉冲试验及蛇行试验从主观及客观方面评价该车的操纵稳定性。

    Through further other field experiments include steering Angle step input test , steering Angle pulse test and snake formation test ; from the subjective and objective to evaluation of the vehicle steering stability .

  9. 为了评价路肩隆声带对车辆的安全性影响,提出了采用车辆前轴振动加速度值、方向盘振动角加速度值作为车辆冲击状况和方向稳定性的评价参数。

    In order to evaluate the application safety of shoulder rumble strips , the values of vibration acceleration at the front axle and angular acceleration of steering wheel are adopted as the evaluation parameters of impact condition and directional stability of vehicle .

  10. 转向盘力/角仪及制动踏板力计标准装置的研制

    The manufacture of standard instrument of swerve force / angle meter and brake pedal force meter

  11. 这个扭矩虽然量级很小,但对盘星系的角动量演化是一个长期的效应。

    The absolute value is small , but the long term influence to the evolution of the dynamics of the disk galaxy is not negligeable .

  12. 椎间盘破裂对前角运动神经元及神经节细胞影响的研究

    Effect of ruptured intervertebral disc on the motor neuron in anterior horn and ganglion cell

  13. 利用空间曲线相切条件导出了用于计算盘形刀具安装角和切入角的条件;

    The formulas for setting angle and entrance angle of disc cutters are derived by using the contact condition of space curve .

  14. 此外,为使系统能更方便的与微处理器接口,实现驱动系统的数字化,本文还分析了利用增量式光电编码盘实现伺服系统角速度及角度传感器的几种方法。

    Furthermore , in order to connect with microprocessors more convenient and thus digitizing the drive system , several methods of using an incremental photoelectric coding plate are analyzed to realize an angle or angular speed sensor .

  15. 论述了摆动从动件的四种常用运动规律对盘形凸轮压力角的影响,作出了压力角随凸轮转角变化规律的曲线;

    The influence of the four common motion characteristics of oscillating followers on the pressure angle of cams are discussed . Curves showing the change of pressure angles as a function of the rotating angle of cams have been worked out .

  16. 通过对分度盘和负载盘的角加速度曲线进行分析,验证动力学模型建立的正确性。

    By analyzing the acceleration of the indexing tray and the load , it proved the correctness of the dynamics analysis .

  17. 有的文献在讨论费曼园盘佯谬时,得到园盘所获机械角动量是由电磁角动量转化而来的结论欠妥。

    When some people discuss Feynman 's disc paradox in their treatises , it is improper that they come to the conclusion that the machine angular momentum obtained by the aisc is transformed from the angular momentum for electromagnetism .