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pán huán
  • linger;stay;stroll about
盘桓 [pán huán]
  • [linger] 徘徊;逗留住宿

  • 怅盘桓而不能。--曹植《洛神赋》

  • 盘桓数日

  • 盘旋环绕

盘桓[pán huán]
  1. 傲雪可盘桓情真致境远&何香凝绘画的爱国情怀评述

    Snow Stay and the True Feelings Make Artistic Conception Far-reaching & The Comment on Patriotism of He Xiangning 's paintings

  2. 我在桂林盘桓了几天,观光了名胜。

    I spent a couple of days sight-seeing in Guilin .

  3. 他讲起当年贝宝(paypal)的员工如何在伊利诺伊大学(universityofillinois)的计算机实验室周围盘桓,和学生交谈,培养他们对这家公司的兴趣。

    He cites how PayPal employees at that time hung around the computer labs at the University of Illinois talking to students to build interest in the company .

  4. 我像一只飞鹰盘桓在麦加广场的上空;

    I flied as a falcon over the square of Mekka ;

  5. 这种想法在我头脑里盘桓了一段时间。

    These thoughts had for some time entertained me .

  6. 依然盘桓在它们惯住的心田。

    Still in my heart retain their wonted place .

  7. 可我脑子里仍一直盘桓着这事。

    Yet my mind continued turning the idea over .

  8. 咩咩羊群在草地上慢慢盘桓,

    The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea ,

  9. 如一只长脚青蛉盘桓于溪水,他的思绪在寂静中游移。

    Like a long-legged fly upon the stream His mind moves upon silence .

  10. 热水流淌并淹没了盘桓于整个山谷的树根。

    Hot water scorches and drowns the roots of trees encroaching on the valleys .

  11. 爱德华在姐姐家盘桓了几个星期,才引起达什伍德太太的注意;

    Edward had been staying several weeks in the house before he engaged much of Mrs.

  12. 安妮以前经常在这里盘桓。

    Here Anne had often been staying .

  13. 一院小小的园地供他盘桓,一片浩阔的天空供他神游。

    A little garden in which to walk , and immensity in which to dream .

  14. 在水池旁,他盘桓洗着手,慢慢把手擦干,然后转过身。

    He lingered over washing his hands in the basin and drying them before he turned .

  15. 他在意大利盘桓的两年中,收集了许多名画和雅致的珍贵物品。

    During a two years'sojourn in Italy , he had collected many good paintings and tasteful rarities .

  16. 死者是一位美国绅士,在伦敦城已盘桓数周之久。

    The deceased was an American gentleman who had been residing for some weeks in the metropolis .

  17. 来牛桥之前,潘在叔父的寓所盘桓了几天。

    Pen had passed a few days at his uncle 's lodgings before they set out for Oxbridge .

  18. 至少有三位服务员在我们周围盘桓,他们都身穿蓝色西装,打着淡蓝色领带。

    At least three waiters , all wearing blue suits with light blue ties , are fussing around us .

  19. 这是一次盘桓于往昔与今世之间的往返行程,蕴含着无数令人惊奇之事。

    This is a round trip between the past and the present , containing large amount of amazing things .

  20. 所有这一切,事件都具有一种不可思议的美,萦绕、盘桓在读者脑海里。

    In all these incidents there is a kind of weird beauty that is haunting and lingering in the reader 's memory .

  21. 不到几天功夫,彬格莱先生上门回拜班纳特先生,在他的书房里跟他盘桓了十分钟左右。

    In a few days Mr. Bingley returned Mr. Bennet 's visit , and sat about ten minutes with him in his library .

  22. 假如汽油价格继续上涨,或者继续盘桓在4美元大关之下,共和党的批评就会产生作用。

    Should prices continue to rise , or continue to hover just below the $ 4 threshold , the Republican critique will start to bite .

  23. 写这几行字的人从前就常在巴黎四郊盘桓,今天对他来说,那也还是深切回忆的源泉。

    He who writes these lines has long been a prowler about the barriers of Paris , and it is for him a source of profound souvenirs .

  24. 我对他脑海盘桓的念头常常一无所知,可是我在他面前怎么就像一本打开的书?

    How could I be such an open book to him when , half the time , I had no idea what was milling around in his head ?

  25. 我们不能继续盘桓,因为夜已如此深沉;尽管月光皎洁依旧,尽管心中的爱意犹未尽京

    So we 'll go no more a-roving So late into the night , Though the heart be still as loving , And the moon be still as bright .

  26. 纵然夜是为爱天设的场景,纵然良宵苦短眼见又是黎明;我们不能继续盘桓,月光下我们难舍难分。

    Though the night was made for loving , And the day returns too soon , Yet we 'll go no more a - roving By the light of the moon .

  27. 治理整顿、总量控制、行业自律助推钨价高位盘桓&2006年上半年全国钨业生产经营简析

    Tungsten Products Stay at a Relative High Price Level by Rationalizing and Controlling the Total Output & A Brief Study on China 's Tungsten Production of the First Half Year , 2006

  28. 在伊万杰琳的家乡一个美得如同朗费罗笔下的诗歌般迷人的地方盘桓几日后,我和苏立文小姐来到了哈利法克斯,我们在这里度过了几乎整个夏天。

    After spending a few days in Evangeline 's country , about which Longfellow 's beautiful poem has woven a spell of enchantment , Miss Sullivan and I went to Halifax , where we remained the greater part of the summer .

  29. 上周末希腊选举的结果或许让欧元区领导人和华尔街稍稍松了口气,但希腊和欧元区其他地区的政治和经济问题依然盘桓不去。

    The results of the Greek election over the weekend may have eurozone champions and Wall Street breathing a sigh of relief , but the political and economic troubles within Greece and the rest of the eurozone remain firmly in place .