首页 / 词典 / good


wén shì
  • Literary affairs;literary matter
文事 [wén shì]
  • [culture and education] 关于文化、教育的事务。即文教

  1. 如果(盾墙或破釜沉舟的冷却时间)没有改变,那么我预计我们会干一些类似移除破釜沉舟雕文(然后修改技能或者通过天赋来降低冷却时间)并保留盾墙雕文的事。

    If it doesn 't change , then I am going to predict we do something like remove the Glyph of Last Stand ( and lower the cooldown base or through a talent ) and keep the Glyph of Shield Wall .