
wén qiū lǐ guǎn
  • Venturi tube
文丘里管[wén qiū lǐ guǎn]
  1. 用内文丘里管流量计测量酸气流量

    Measurement of Acid Gas Flow by Means of Inner Venturi Tube Flowmeter

  2. 用长颈文丘里管测量气固两相流量

    Measurement of Gas-Solid Flow Rate with an Extended-Throat Venturi Tube

  3. 用于增压柴油机EGR系统的文丘里管的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Venturi Pipe for EGR System on Turbocharged Diesel Engine

  4. 结果表明,借助YAG激光器和文丘里管结构可以实现空泡的定点产生和定点溃灭。

    The results show that the generation and collapse of bubble in a fixed location can be realized by using YAG laser and venturi .

  5. 利用文丘里管和VNT提高柴油机EGR率的研究

    Study on Increasing EGR Rate of Diesel Engine with Venturi Pipe and VNT

  6. 因此,建立西安HL公司主要产品&文丘里管的原材料库存优化模型,制定合理的订货策略,从而提升企业的利润是公司目前亟待解决的问题。

    Therefore , it is important to establish the optimization model of raw materials to develop a reasonable strategy to enhance corporate profits .

  7. 大口径文丘里管逐台经过水流量标准装置标定,准确地给出了流出系数C值及其不确定度并使之可能达到±0.5%。

    After having been calibrated by the standard water flow calibration rig , the large-sized Venturi tube can accurately give out the value of its flow discharge C and the uncertainty , and making the uncertainty possibly be at ± 0.5 % .

  8. 基于FLUENT软件,采用标准的k-ε模型和空化泡动力学模型对三种不同几何彤状的文丘里管中的空化流场进行了数值模拟,并将计算结果与实验结果进行了比较。

    Based on the computational fluid dynamics software FLUENT , the cavitation flow fields in venturi tubes with different geometrical form were simulated adopting the standard k-epsilon model and cavitation bubble dynamics .

  9. 通过对文丘里管和Coriolis流量计测量油水两相流各自的优点和存在的问题分析,提出了文丘里管和Coriolis流量计相结合的双参数测量方法。

    Through the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of both Venturis and Coriolis flow meters , a double parameter measurement method is put forward with the combination of them both .

  10. 实验采用25和40mm两种管径的文丘里管进行了油水两相流流量测量。

    Experimental measurement of oil-water two-phase flow was carried out by Venturis on 25 and 40 mm diameter pipes , respectively .

  11. 该方案以ECT电容传感器和文丘里管流量计为测量信息源,利用流型辨识结果,选择每种流型下最佳流量测量模型进行测量。

    The electrical capacitance sensor and the venturi flowmeter are used as the information source . The proposed method selects the optimal flowrate measurement model to implement the flowrate measurement of the oil-gas two-phase flow according to the identified flow pattern .

  12. 同时,根据文丘里管流量测量需要,提出了基于SVM的油水两相流流型识别方法,给出了特征向量提取方法,并将其用于流型识别,较好的取得了分层流和分散流型识别结果。

    Meanwhile , according to the need of Venturis , a SVM-based water-oil flow pattern identification method is given , with which characteristic vectors can be obtained and used to identify flow patterns , thus giving good results of both separated and distributed flow pattern identification .

  13. 对安装不同喉口直径文丘里管的CA498Z柴油机进行了试验。

    In this paper , a series of tests were carried out on venturi pipes with different diameters of throat in CA498Z diesel engine .

  14. 介绍YC6105ZLQ型柴油机并联文丘里管废气再循环系统布置,文丘里管的基本工作原理及结构参数的设计计算过程。

    This paper introduces the layout of exhaust gas recirculation system in parallel with venturi tube of YC6105ZLQ diesel engines , basic principles and dimension calculation on venturi tube .

  15. 文丘里管给水量对高炉煤气质量的影响

    Influence of Water Flow of Venturi on Blast Furnace Gas Quality

  16. 用于管道煤粉流量测量的文丘里管型设计及优化

    Optimization of Venturi tube design for pipeline pulverized coal flow measurements

  17. 文丘里管及拉法尔管在气力输送系统中的应用

    Application of Venturi and LAVAL Pipe in Pneumatic Conveying System

  18. 并联文丘里管吸肥装置的研究及其参数选择

    A Study on the Parallel Connection Venturi Tube and Its Parameter Selection

  19. 大口径文丘里管&供水计量的一种好方法

    Large-ized Venturi Tube , the Best Method for Water Measurement

  20. 文丘里管射流装置的结构及工作原理

    The Work Principle and Structure of Venturi Tube in Nozzle ' Inner

  21. 文丘里管流量计在东深工程供水计量中的应用

    Application of Venturi Tube in the Water Measurement in Dongjiang-Shenzhen Diversion Project

  22. 文丘里管内空泡及空泡群的演变及其溃灭特性

    The Evolution and Collapse Characteristics of Bubble and Bubble Cluster in Venturi

  23. 文丘里管在湿气测量中的应用研究

    The Study of Wet Gas Measurement Technology for Applications : Venturi Tube

  24. 用文丘里管作为流量控制元件的探讨

    The discussion of using the Venturi tube as a flow control component

  25. 将文丘里管喷嘴连接到真空压力表。

    Connect the venturi nozzle to the vacuum pressure gauge .

  26. 基于文丘里管的气液两相流参数检测方法研究

    Research on Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow Parameters Measurement with Venturi Tube

  27. 新型花岗石文丘里管水膜除尘器的应用技术

    Application Technique of a Kind of New Type Granite Water Film Dust Cleaner

  28. 水力空化装置文丘里管的模拟优化

    Simulation & optimization of venturi as hydrodynamic cavitation equipment

  29. 文丘里管中空化流场的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of cavitation flow field in the venturi

  30. 文丘里管射流器的主要性能参数研究

    Primary Performance Parameter Study on Jet Aerator of Venturi