
  • 网络cultural sovereignty;Culture sovereignty
  1. 进一步加强国家文化主权建设

    Further Strengthening of the National Cultural Sovereignty Construction

  2. 全球化对国家的经济主权、政治主权和文化主权造成了不同程度的冲击与影响,导致传统的国家主权理论遭受侵蚀。

    Globalization has different impacts and influences on economical sovereignty , political sovereignty and cultural sovereignty .

  3. 在诸种国家主权中,文化主权日益显示出其重要的、显著的地位。

    Among all kinds of state sovereignty , culture sovereignty demonstrates an important and remarkable status day by day .

  4. 因此,国家必须从捍卫国家文化主权的角度来保护自己的非物质文化遗产。

    Thus , the sovereign state must safeguard its own ICH from the perspective of upholding national cultural sovereignty .

  5. 国家主权的内容也形成了以安全主权、经济主权和文化主权为核心的主权理论。

    The content of national sovereignty is also formed sovereignty theories with the core of safety sovereignty , economy sovereignty and culture sovereignty .

  6. 伴随着信息全球化的历史进程,世界上出现了许多不容忽视的问题,国际传播和文化主权问题日益成为人们关注的焦点问题。

    It is now generally recognized that the global issues of variety are seen existing in the world in the course of information globalization .

  7. 文化主权并不否定经济主权和政治主权,它所要强调的是它已经是一种独立的主权意志,而不再只是被看作后两者的掩饰和伪装。

    Culture sovereignty does not deny economic sovereignty and political sovereignty . We put emphasis on culture sovereignty because it is an independent sovereign will .

  8. 本文从全球这一宏观的视角出发,探讨了信息全球化时代的国际传播和文化主权问题。

    The issues on international communication and culture autonomy are increasingly becoming focus of attention and such issues are attempted to be discussed in the paper from global angles of view .

  9. 它不仅可带来巨大的经济利益,更是一个国家文化主权的重要组成部分,关系到国家文化安全、社会和谐和民族血脉传承。

    It not only brings enormous economic benefits , but also it is a sovereign state an important part of culture , which related to national cultural security , social harmony and national blood transmission .

  10. 本文集中论述了文化主权的内涵,并分析指出当下我国文化主权面临的挑战,以及我国文化领域立法的现状和不足之处。

    This paper focuses on the connotation of cultural sovereignty , and analyzes the challenge of our nation . Then , there is a brief introduction of culture legislation in our country and a brief analysis of its deficiencies .

  11. 我们在推行这一战略时要充分考虑到其他国家的文化及其主权的重要性。

    It should be managed in a way that gives due consideration to the importance of others ' cultures and to their sovereignty .

  12. 最后着重对在全球化背景下应如何加强我国的爱国主义教育进行了尝试性的探索:加强民族文化教育、国家主权观教育和全球意识教育;

    Lastly , give a tentative exploration on how to strengthen the education of patriotism in China in the era of globalization : Strengthen the education of national culture , national sovereignty view and the global consciousness ;

  13. 伴随经济全球化的进程,文化全球化对国家文化主权形成了挑战,并削弱了文化主权。

    The cultural globalization challenges the cultural sovereignty in the process of economic globalization .

  14. 在网络文明的新时代,要提高文化软实力,维护国家文化主权,就必须大力发展先进网络文化。

    In a new information era , more efforts should be devoted to the development of advanced network culture in order to defend state cultural sovereignty and strengthen cultural soft power .

  15. 随着文化民族意识的增强,文化主权逐渐被国际社会所承认,档案的重要性亦被大多数国家所认识,收回流失的国家档案已成为国际社会的广泛共识。

    With the enhanced awareness of cultural nationalism , Cultural Sovereignty has been gradually recognized by the international community . The importance of the archives has also been recognized by most countries . To recover the loss of the national archives has become a broad consensus of the international community .

  16. 与国际传播本身不同的是,跨文化新闻传播所着重强调的是文化多样性以及主权平等基础上新闻传播的自由和新闻传播秩序的平等。

    Cross-cultural news coverage , which is differ from international communication , emphasis on cultural diversity and the freedom of Journalism and Communication based on the equality of sovereignty and the order of information and communication .

  17. 了解了西方文化霸权的基本程式和理论基础,我们要更加自觉地捍卫自己的文化主权。

    Knowing the basic operating form and theoretical basis of the western cultural hegemony , we should uphold our own cultural sovereignty more conscientiously .

  18. 然而在信息化时代,传统民族国家文化认同的一致性遭受到不同形式的解构,文化霸权主义的盛行又加速了这一进程,使这些国家在文化主权以及经济和政治利益方面面临着巨大的威胁。

    However , in the information age , the consistency in nations ' cultural identity is undergoing deconstruction in one way or another . Cultural hegemonism accelerates the deconstruction , imposing a great threat on the cultural sovereignty , and economic and political benefits of these countries .

  19. 反思数学课堂教学文化:数学课堂教学有重知轻识的功利化取向,以学生为主体的课堂学习文化的缺失,数学课堂教学文化是教师的主权文化等。

    This article was aimed to reflect on the following problems in mathematics teaching culture : utilitarianism of overestimating knowledge while overlooking cognition ; lack of student-centered classroom motivation to study ;

  20. 而基于文化与教育之间的主动和被动适应关系,20世纪的德国教育则形成并发展了三阶段公立学校制度、双元制职业教育、各州文化主权以及大学的理想神话。

    To adapt to the complicated relationship between culture and education , German education had gradually taken the form of 3-level public school system , duality system of vocational education , culture sovereignty of every state , and the ideal myth of universities .