
  • 网络China Institute of Contemporary International Relations
  1. 张学刚是中国现代国际关系研究院的东南亚事务专家。

    Zhang Xuegang is an expert on Southeast Asian affairs at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations .

  2. 中国现代国际关系研究院(chinainstituteofcontemporaryinternationalrelations)学者翟指出,大型国企“如今代表经济利益的考量”。

    Zhai Kun , of the China Institute of contemporary international relations in Beijing , said that large state companies " now stand for economic considerations " .

  3. 大约一年前,北京中国现代国际关系研究院(cicir)对美国实力的各种构成进行了一项细致的评估。

    A year or so ago , the Beijing-based Chinese Institute for contemporary international relations made a detailed assessment of the various components of us power .

  4. 然而,中国现代国际关系研究院的冯仲平表示,他认为中国政府很有可能平衡欧盟与英国之间的关系。

    However , Feng Zhongping with the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations , says he believes it is possible for the Chinese government to balance its relationship between both the EU and Britain .