
  • 网络The Capitalist World Economy
  1. 科技革命在资本主义世界经济体形成中的作用

    Role of scientific and technological revolution in capitalist economic system formation

  2. 信息革命与资本主义世界经济第五次长周期

    Information Revolution and the Fifth Long Wave of Capitalist Economy

  3. 论资本主义世界经济体的历史逻辑

    The History Logic of Capitalist World Economic Community

  4. 在资本主义世界经济危机史上,1929年的经济危机具有特殊的地位。

    In the capitalism world economics crisis history , 1929 economic crisis had the special status .

  5. 第二部分论述经济全球化的特征,并由此说明全球化是资本主义世界经济的发展趋势和结果;

    The second clarifies that globalization is due to the result of the development of world economy .

  6. 而其在中西商务交往过程中的实践和运作,从经济层面来看,是当时中国被强行融入资本主义世界经济体系过程中华洋市场仇恨的一种表征;

    These practice , looked from the economical angle , was one kind of attribute the market hatred between Chinese businessmen and western traders ;

  7. 资本主义世界经济体最初是在16世纪的欧洲产生的,但没有科技革命的推动,资本主义世界经济体不可能最终形成。

    Capitalist world economic system was formed in Europe in 16th century but capitalist world economic system could not be formed without scientific and technological revolution .

  8. 经济全球化方面起源于资本主义世界经济的扩张以及由此产生了为扩大产品和服务的生产及消费而了出现的地理边界的扩张。

    political and cultural.The economic aspects of globalization stem from the spread of the capitalist world economy and the resulting expansion of geographical boundaries for the production and consumption of goods and services.The need for cheap raw materials ,

  9. 新桂系时期城市居民生活水平的这些特点是与历史地理因素、新桂系的统治政策、战争因素、西方列强的经济侵略和资本主义世界经济危机有关的。

    The period of New Gui characteristics of the urban residents ' living standards are affected by many factors . Such as the history and geography factors , New Gui rule policy , the factors of war , the Western powers , economic aggression and the capitalist world economic crisis-related .

  10. 那次危机使整个资本主义世界的经济全面衰退。

    The crisis turn back the entire economy of the capitalist world .

  11. 资本主义世界的经济危机

    The economic crisis in the capitalistic world

  12. 马克思主义哲学属于现代唯物主义,关注的是资本主义世界的西方经济与政治霸权,着眼于资本主义社会制度和经济基础的批判。

    Marxist philosophy belongs to modern materialism . It pays close attention to Western capitalist economy and political hegemony and aims at criticizing capitalist social system and economic base .

  13. 冷战结束以来,国际关系处于一超多强过渡性格局,资本主义牢牢控制世界经济政治等中心。

    After the completion of the Cold War period , the international relations are in transitional structure with one superpower and several powers and the capitalism is controlling firmly the centers of world economy and politics .

  14. 而市场资本主义,作为世界大部分经济赖以运转的引擎,似乎将很好的完成它的工作。

    Market capitalism , the engine that runs most of the world economy , seems to be doing its job well .

  15. 1929年资本主义世界发生空前的经济危机,劳资矛盾加剧,从而引发了世界性左翼运动的高涨。

    In 1929 the capitalism world had the unprecedented economic crisis Labor contradictory aggravating , thus has initiated worldwide basis left wing movement surging upward .