
  • 网络resource room
  1. 资源教室对听障学生进行语言训练的实践

    The Experience of Language Training of Pupils with Hearing Impairment in Resource Room

  2. 特殊教育学校资源教室的建设

    Establishing Resource Room in Special Education School

  3. 资源教室的理念与实施

    Thoughts and implementation of the resource classroom

  4. 资源教室中的学生活动现状调查与对策研究

    Carrying out Investigation into Present Situation of the Student 's Activity and Countermeasure in Resource Room

  5. 分析国内外的相关实证研究,没有决定性的证据证明普通班级和资源教室的安置方式优于特殊班级和特殊学校。

    There is no strong evidence to prove the placement of resource room and general class is better than special class and special school .

  6. 资源教室进入普通学校,无论是对于第一线的教师,还是研究教育的专家学者都是一个比较新的概念。

    " Resource Room " which enters the average school is a new concept for the teachers on the first front or the experts on education in the education field .

  7. 根据我国实际情况,特殊教育学校也应该建立资源教室,而且要加快步骤,并尽快升格为资源中心和后援中心,为有特殊需要的儿童服务。

    Special education schools should establish their own resource rooms immediately when considering educational practices , and should upgrade their resource rooms to resource and backup centers to provide services for children with special needs .

  8. 调查结果表明,北京市随班就读学校开办资源教室亟需解决如下问题加强对资源教师的专业教学知识、技能培训;系统收集、研制有效的诊断评估工具;

    The results suggested that strengthening teacher training in professional knowledge and skills , collecting and developing effective assessment tools , and reducing the pluralistic jobs of resource teachers were problems need to be resolved urgently .

  9. 本文从探讨资源教室在随班就读中的作用入手,回顾了资源教室研究的历史,提出了在国内开展资源教室研究的必要性。

    Starting from the analysis of the role of classroom as resource in integrated education , the article reviews the history of research on resource room , additionally , points out the necessity of the research on resource rooms in China .

  10. 由于高校班密、课程数都相对较多,手工排课不可避免地要带来教师资源或教室资源的冲突的问题。

    The university class , course number are relatively more , the platoon class inevitably brings the teacher resources or classroom resource conflict .

  11. 排课问题的研究主要是解决各种教学资源如教室、教师的合理有效利用问题,避免教师、班级在上课时间、地点上的冲突,使排课时间分配均匀。

    The research comes primarily address teaching resources such as classrooms , teachers and rational and efficient use of the issue to avoid teachers , classes during school hours , location of the conflict , which comes time allocated evenly .

  12. 硬性限制是指由于资源限制,教室和教师必须要满足的派课条件。

    Hard constraint is that due to resource constraints , classrooms and teachers must meet the conditions .

  13. 传统的手工排课不仅效率低,而且稍不注意就会出现诸如教师资源冲突或者教室资源冲突的情况。

    Traditional hand-worked work of arranging course is inefficient and is more liable to make mistakes such as the conflict of teacher resource or the conflict of classroom resource .

  14. 资源教师的职责可归纳为6个方面:鉴定与评估、教学与指导、咨询与沟通、行政事务、公共关系和资源教室方案研究;

    The responsibilities of resources room teachers should include six dimensions as following : identification and assessment , teaching and instruction , consultation and communication , civil service , public relationship and RRP studies .