
  1. 粒子群算法在磁测资料井地联合反演中的应用

    The application of PSO to joint inversion of surface and borehole magnatic data

  2. 对探井、预探井、资料井应采用地层压力随钻检(监)测技术;

    For pre-exploration and information ( data ) wells , pressure prediction while drilling technology shall be adopted .

  3. 磁测资料井地联合反演是结合井中与地面磁测数据的各自优势,进行地球物理反演的一种新方法。

    The joint inversion of surface and borehole magnetic data is a new geophysical inversion which combines the advantages of surface and borehole magnetic data .

  4. 在油田开发过程中,有些油井需要长期测试地层压力,特别是试采资料井。

    During developing period of the oilfield , some wells need a long term to test , especially for wells of acquiring data of oil testing and recovery .

  5. 通过5口有成像测井资料井的验证,结果表明这种方法简单、高效,利用其预测裂缝发育段是可行的。

    Through testing a few wells with the imaging logging data , the results showed that the method was simple , efficient , and feasible in predicting the fracture sections .

  6. 利用多偏移距VSP资料实现井间层析成像

    Crosshole seismic tomography using multi-offset VSP data

  7. 利用VSP资料提高井旁地震记录信噪比

    Improving the signal / noise ratio of borehole side - seismic data by making use of VSP data

  8. 利用测井资料计算井眼容积及显示井身结构

    Use Log for Calculating Hole Capacity and Displaying Hole Structure

  9. 对1口有污染半径资料的井进行了射孔穿透深度计算与分析。

    Calculated and analyzed are the perforating depths for a well having pollution radius data .

  10. 利用放射性测井资料推算井矿盐矿石品位的方法

    Method for Calculating Ore Grade of Well and Rock Salt by Means of the Radioactivity Well Logging Data

  11. 安徽境内长江岸带崩塌遥感调查利用测井资料进行井眼崩塌现象的分类与识别

    Investigation of the bank zone collapse and stability along the Yangtze River in Anhui Province by using remote sensing

  12. 第三章运用田野调查资料对于井塘村的民间信仰与民间信仰组织的概况进行描述。

    Chapter three uses field work materials description to overview the folk belief of JingTang village and folk belief organization .

  13. 其属于地下水水权登记者,应根据各地地下水水文资料及井出水量,制定适当之井距公告之。

    For the purpose of ground water rights registration , the authority-in-charge shall fix the interval distance between sells according hydrologic data and well output yield and make a public announcement thereof .

  14. 预测要与钻井裂缝显示、测井裂缝定量解释相结合,用测井资料对井旁道进行准确的标定,尽量消除地震信息的多解性,提高裂缝预测精度。

    And quantitative interpretation of logging data ; and the seismic channel near well should be calibrated with the logging data to diminish the non uniqueness of the seismic signals , and to increase the prediction accuracy of the fracture prediction .

  15. 其后,详细地分析了单发双收声速测井资料受井径影响的物理机制,在此基础上提出了相应的校正公式及校正图板。

    Then the authors analyse the physical mechanism of how borehole diameter affects the velocity logging data which are collected by using the logger that has one transmitter and two receivers . Then corresponding correction formula and correction chart are given in the paper .

  16. RFT资料在多井储层评价中的应用

    The application of RFT data in multi-well reservoir evaluation

  17. 文中列举一口VSP实测井的资料,该井旁侧有一明显的断层,VSP观测系统沿垂直断层走向布置。

    This paper deals with the VSP data taken from the well near which there is an obvious fault , whose trend is perpendicular to the VSP observation geometry .

  18. 本文以东濮凹陷马厂地区为研究工区着重论述重复式地层测试(RFT)资料在多井储层评价中的应用。

    With the Machang area of the Dongpu depression as the study area , this pa-per mainly discusses the application of the Repeat Formation Test ( RFT ) datain multi-well reservoir evaluation .

  19. 气井产能评价资料在水平井优化设计中的应用

    Application of gas well productivity evaluation data in optimizing horizontal well design

  20. 利用测井资料确定调整井储集层参数

    Determing reservoir parameters of adjusting wells from log data

  21. 利用压力动态资料估算单井控制储量

    Evaluation of oil reserve controled by a well with the dynamic pressure data

  22. 用方位密度成像测井资料计算水平井钻遇地层倾角的方法

    Formation Dip Calculation by Azimuthal Density Image Data

  23. 应用常规测井资料识别单井裂缝发育层段的方法

    The Theory of Identifying the Fissure-Existing-Intervals on a Single Well with Normal Logging Materials

  24. 用地震资料外推测井曲线

    Using seismic data to extrapolate well logs

  25. 利用实际资料对多井约束分频非线性地震波阻抗反演方法进行了验证。首先对井的波阻抗曲线进行了多尺度分解,并进行了频谱分析;

    First , multi-scale decompositions are carried out for impedance curves and the spectra of the data is analyzed .

  26. 具有山形的流动期资料可用具有井储效应的变产量自喷井模型来解释。

    Hill shape curve can be interpreted by means of the model of flowing well of variable rate with wellbore effect .

  27. 激发上利用微测井和小折射资料合理选择井深,大药量激发;接收上采用钻孔埋置检波器;

    Microlog and LVL refraction data are used in determination of shot depth , along with shooting by large quantity of explosives and receiving by buried geophones .

  28. 以油藏工程理论为基础的多种井点剩余油定量研究方法的综合应用实现了直接利用生产动态资料来进行井点、井组、层间、层内的剩余油定量分布的一体化研究。

    The synthetically application of diverse methods of solving well-point remaining oil realizes the integrative research of well-point , well-group , intrastratal and interlayer remaining oil distribution .

  29. 根据有取心资料的关键井,提出了一种基于模糊聚类和人工筛选样本相结合划分储层类型的新方法,建立储层的单井分类标准。

    On the basis of coring data from key-well , put forward a new method to classify reservoir , which consists of fuzzy clustering and manual filtration .

  30. 利用干扰试井资料对生产井间的干扰影响程度进行的分析表明,该油藏是一个渗透性高、裂缝连通性好的高渗透裂缝系统的油藏。

    The analysis of the disturbance between production wells by using interference test shows that the reservoir is of characteristics of high permeability , good fractural connectivity and high permeable and fractured system .