
  1. 电子政务信息资源登记管理的元数据应用工程研究

    Research on the Metadata Application Engineering for E-Government Information Resources Register

  2. 通过研究电子政务信息资源登记管理的元数据应用工程,统一规定电子政务信息资源存储格式,规范登记管理运作体制,可为我国政务信息资源管理体系建设提供理论指导和制度规范。

    Via researching the metadata application engineering for e-Government information resources register and establishing the register mechanism with uniform storage based on metadata standard , China 's e-Government information resources management can be directed and normalized .

  3. 正确履行资源储量登记统计、评审备案等职责;

    Fulfilling resister , statistics and evaluation for mineral resources reserves ;

  4. 国际海底资源勘查登记制度的形成和发展

    Establishment and development of the registration system of International Sea-Bed resource prospecting

  5. 政府的监督管理主要由矿产资源储量登记与统计及核查机制组成。

    The supervise and management of the state are composed of the mechanism including reserves registration , statistics and check of mineral resources .

  6. 矿产资源勘查登记工作,由国务院地质矿产主管部门负责;

    The department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council shall be responsible for the registration of exploration of mineral resources .

  7. 特定矿种的矿产资源勘查登记工作,可以由国务院授权有关主管部门负责。矿产资源勘查区块登记管理办法由国务院制定。

    The State Council may authorize other relevant competent departments to handle the registration of exploration of specified minerals . Measures for regional registration of exploration of mineral resources shall be formulated by the State Council .

  8. 以矿产资源储量登记书及填写说明为基础,按照登记书的式样,提供了数据的录入、编辑/浏览等功能。

    Based on the " mineral resources reserves registration statement and filling explanation ", according to the style of registration statement , the system can provide data entry , editor / browsing function and so on .

  9. 如果这些行是获奖者的名单,一个有限资源的登记表,一个待办事项清单,或者其他注重顺序的序列,这就可能会是一个问题。

    This might be a problem if the lines are a list of prize winners , a sign-up sheet for a finite resource , a to-do list , or any other sequence in which first-in should remain best-dressed .

  10. 第二章矿产资源勘查的登记和开采的审批

    Chapter II Registration for exploration of mineral resources and examination and approval of mining

  11. 矿产资源勘查区块登记管理办法由国务院制定。

    Measures for regional registration of exploration of mineral resources shall be formulated by the State Council .

  12. 对外商投资勘查开采非油气矿产资源的审批登记等实行限期办结制度。

    Formalities such as examination , approval and registration for foreign investment in the exploration and development of non-oil / gas mineral resources should be fulfilled within the prescribed time .

  13. 勘查矿产资源,必须依法登记。

    Anyone who wishes to explore mineral resources shall register according to law .

  14. 文章论述了矿产资源勘查区块统一登记的目的和意义,并在分析勘查登记管理现状的基础上,指出勘查登记管理工作的重点应转向监督管理

    Having described the significance and purpose of the unified blocks registration system for mineral resources exploration as well as analysing the present management situation of exploration registration , the author suggests that the emphasis of exploration registration should be turned to the point of supervisory management

  15. 请注意:如欲使用本社各科「现代教育资源库」,请直接到资源库登记。

    Notice : Please register with MERS subject websites ( Modern Education Resources Platform ) to access the resources of the websites .

  16. 该矿产资源管理可部署到各级基层管理部门使用,通过基层填报,以及数据的导出(上报或下发)与导入(会合),完成矿产资源储量登记数据的交换与整合。

    The mineral resources management can be deployed to grass-roots management departments at all levels , through the basic and data provided by ( with ) report from grassroots , realizing mineral resources registration data exchange reserves and integration .