
  • 网络low permeability oil and gas field
  1. 但最近一些低渗透油气田却出现了频繁的CO气体中毒事件,给油田及员工带来巨大的损失。

    Recently , frequent poisoning events of CO were took place in the some low permeable oil-gas field and the crews were hurt seriously .

  2. 世界低渗透油气田开发技术现状与展望

    Current situation and prospects of development technology for low permeability oil and gas fields in the world

  3. 我国低渗透油气田勘探开发越来越受到重视,其中塔里木油田轮南地区就是属于低孔低渗储层。

    In our country , low-permeability oil and gas field exploration and development attracts more and more attention .

  4. 水力压裂是油井增产、水井增注的重要措施,特别是在低渗透油气田,它已成为油田开发不可替代的关键技术。

    Hydraulic fracturing is a key technique in increasing production and augmented injection , especially in lower permeability oil field .

  5. 水力压裂技术在低渗透油气田勘探,开发领域中广泛应用,并且获得了极大的经济效益。

    Hydraulic technology was vast applied in low permeability oil-gas field exploiting and development , and gained extremely economic benefit .

  6. 水力压裂是一项油气井增产的重要技术措施,己广泛应用于国内外低渗透油气田开发。

    Hydraulic Fracturing is an important technology of stimulation , it is extensively used in the development of low permeability reservoirs .

  7. 随着低渗透油气田的不断开发,粘弹性表面活性剂压裂液成已经为研究的热点之一。

    With the continuous development of low-permeability oil and gas reservoir , the viscoelastic surfactant fracturing fluid has caught more attention .

  8. 我国低渗透油气田石油地质储量丰富,占陆地探明储量的26.9%。

    It is abound of geologic reserves of low permeability fields in China , Which is about 26.9 % of land proven reserves .

  9. 储层的压裂改造技术作为油气层增产、水井增注的一项重要的技术措施,已经在国内外低渗透油气田开发中得到的广泛的运用。

    The integral fracturing technique is an important implement in oil production and water injection improvement , which is used popularly in the low permeability oilfield .

  10. 水力压裂是油气田勘探开发过程中一项十分重要的技术措施,已广泛应用于国内外低渗透油气田的开发中。

    As an important stimulation technique for the reservoir exploration and exploitation , Hydraulic fracturing has been being widely used in low permeability oil & gas field allover the world .

  11. 低、特低渗透油气田开发中普遍存在因无机结垢、有机结垢、微生物、外来颗粒、黏土矿物等引起的近井地带地层堵塞问题。

    The zones nearby the well could be blocked by inorganic crust , organic crust , microorganism , foreign grain , and clay in the development of low permeability oil and gas fields .

  12. 通过上述分析,认为研制开发低聚合物压裂液体系,能够解决目前低渗透油气田压裂改造投入与产出的矛盾。

    Through the above analysis that the research and development of low-polymer fracturing fluid system that is able to solve the contradiction between the low-permeability oil and gas fields fracturing transformation of inputs and outputs .