
  • 网络Low temperature steel;cryogenic steel;LCC
  1. 9%Ni低温钢的回火相变

    The Phase Transformation of 9 % Ni Cryogenic Steel during Tempering

  2. 21-6-9超低温钢的性能与组织

    Structures and properties of the 21-6-9 cryogenic steel

  3. 12Ni14低温钢MAG焊接

    MAG welding of low - temperature steel 12 Ni 14

  4. 测定了一种高锰奥氏体低温钢从室温到77K温度的拉伸和冲击性能以及77K温度下的断裂韧度,并观察了其断口形貌特征。

    The tensile , impacting , fracture toughness properties and the fracture surface of a high manganese austenitic steel are investigated from ambient temperature to 77K .

  5. STPL-46(3.5Ni)低温钢焊接技术

    Welding Technology for STPL-46 ( 3.5Ni ) Low Temperature Steel

  6. 最后对低温钢纤维混凝土的疲劳概率分布进行了分析,给出了不同存活率下钢纤维混凝土的S-N曲线方程。

    At last , the distribution law of fatigue life of SFRC is analyzed and the S-N curve equation of SFRC in cold temperature under different probabilities of survival is given .

  7. 高锰奥氏体超低温钢焊接接头的组织和力学性能

    TIG Welding of High Manganese Austenitic Steel for Super Cryogenic Application

  8. 12Ni14低温钢换热器的混合气体保护焊

    MAG welding for 12 Ni 14 low temperature steel heat exchanger

  9. 3.5%Ni低温钢裂纹止裂特性的研究

    Crack arrest characteristics of 3.5 % ni steel for cryogenic applications

  10. 提高高锰奥氏体超低温钢低温韧性的方法

    Methods for improving low temperature toughness of High Manganese Austenitic Cryogenic steels

  11. 锰低温钢中锰及合金元素的不平衡偏聚

    Non equilibrium segregation of manganese and alloying elements in Mn CRYOGENIC STEELS

  12. 盐酸解吸塔采用钢衬瓷砖的工艺设计低温钢及其应用

    Application of Steel-lined Ceramic Brick in Hydrochloric Acid Desorption Tower

  13. 高锰奥氏体超低温钢低温脆断机制的研究

    Study on low temperature brittle fracture of High Manganese Austenitic Cryogenic steels

  14. 合金元素对高锰奥氏体超低温钢性能的影响

    Effect of Alloying Elements on Properties of High Manganese Austenitic Cryogenic Steels

  15. 高锰低温钢晶体结构及位错形态研究

    Study on crystal structure and dislocation mode of high manganese cryogenic steel

  16. 一种高锰奥氏体低温钢的力学性能

    Mechanical properties of a High Manganese Austenitic Cryogenic Steel

  17. 低温钢冲击断口形貌分析

    Study on Impact Section of Low - Temperature Steel

  18. 低温钢的埋弧自动焊工程机械铸件的补焊工艺

    Craft Lincoln Weld of the Low-temperature Steel Welding technology for construction machinery casting

  19. 低温钢纤维混凝土梁抗折疲劳特性的试验研究

    Experimental Research on Flexural Fatigue Properties of Steel Fiber-reinforced Concrete Beams at Low Temperatures

  20. 对不同温度下冲击韧度试验的低温钢断口形貌进行了分析。

    Study the section shape of low-temperature casting steel tested and impacted under different temperatures .

  21. 低温钢及其应用

    Low Temperature Steel and Its Applications

  22. 提高9%Ni低温钢强度和韧性的形变热处理

    Improvement of the strength and toughness of low-temperature steel containing 9 % Ni by thermo-mechanical treatment

  23. 系统研究了锰低温钢中锰在奥氏体晶界上的不平衡偏聚。

    The non equilibrium segregation of manganese to austenite grain boundaries in Mn cryogenic steels is investigated .

  24. 低温钢直缝管焊接裂纹成因分析及控制措施

    The analysis and controlling method for the welding crack of straight slot pipe made by low-temperature steel

  25. 低温钢纤维混凝土梁疲劳损伤演化过程可划分为损伤潜伏阶段,损伤稳定扩展阶段和损伤失稳扩展或破坏阶段等三个不同阶段。

    The damage evolvement process can be divided into latency stage , stable development stage and instability development stage .

  26. 低温钢纤维混凝土梁在高应力下的抗折疲劳弹性模量衰减速率大于低应力下的衰减速率。

    The fatigue elastic modulus attenuation velocity under high stress level was more than that under low stress level .

  27. 文中重点介绍了镍系低温钢钢板、锻件和焊接材料的化学成分和力学性能。

    It emphasizes the chemical compositions and mechanical properties of low temperature nickel steel plates , forgings and welding materials .

  28. 通过调整合金成份和改变热处理制度试验,有效地提高了低温钢的低温韧性。

    The low temperature toughness of low temperature steel can be improved effectively by means of adjusting alloy ingredients and modifying heat-treatment regime .

  29. 低温钢重要的特性是在低温工作条件有足够的强度、塑性、耐低温冲击。

    The main behaviors of this kind low temperature steel are that it can keep enough strength , plastic and impact-resistant under low temperature .

  30. 研究了锰低温钢中其他合金元素(铬、钼、硼)在奥氏体晶界上不平衡偏聚的特点及对锰偏聚的影响。

    The segragation of alloying elements ( Cr , Mo , B ) and the effect of these elements on the manganese segregation is investigated .