
  • 网络Low voltage switch cabinet;ggd;Gck;Blokset
  1. OPC在MNSiS智能型低压开关柜系统的应用

    Application of OPC in MNS iS Intelligent Low Voltage Switchgear System

  2. 为了实现在远方主站端对分布在不同变电站的低压开关柜进行远程控制,利用电力通信通道,扩展用于电力系统远程通信的CDT规约,使远程控制问题变成计算机串行通信问题。

    In order to control of intelligent low-voltage switch cabinet by use of PLC in different remote transformer substations .

  3. 新型TABULA低压开关柜

    New Type of TABULA Low Voltage Switchgear Assembly

  4. 为西门子华北区的唯一合作伙伴,生产SIVACON低压开关柜,产品标注SIEMENS的标签。

    Siemens is the only area in North China partners , production SIVACON low-voltage switchgear , product tagging SIEMENS label .

  5. LGT-6000(洛仕特)智能型低压开关柜

    LGT-6000 Intelligent Low Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear

  6. 文章对常熟开关厂最新开发的SIKUS低压开关柜母排间相间电动力进行计算,并对其应力和应变作进一步的分析。

    The article carries out calculation for the electro-dynamic forces between SIKUS low-voltage switchgear cabinet bus-bars and further stress and strain analysis of it was made .

  7. 介绍90年代开发的新一代诺珈玛(MODULA)STTM型模块化低压开关柜的用途、技术数据、结构和技术特点。

    STTM type low voltage switchboard is a new generation of modular low voltage switchgear assembly developed in 90 's. The main specifications , structure , technical feature and its applications are introduced .

  8. 核安全级低压开关柜设计心得

    Something Learned from Design of Nuclear Safety Grade Low-voltage Switchgear

  9. MNS3.0系列智能型低压开关柜

    MNS 3.0 Series Intelligent Type of Low Voltage Switchboard

  10. 低压开关柜的柜体结构和工艺特点

    Framework and Processing Features of Low - tension Switchboard

  11. 异型母线在低压开关柜中的应用

    Application of Non-conventional Type Busbar in Low-voltage Switchgear Cabinet

  12. 高低压开关柜计算机辅助设计系统

    CAD System of High-low Voltage Switch Tank

  13. 智能型低压开关柜的发展将保障电力系统更安全、更可靠。

    The development of intelligent low-voltage switchgear will safeguard power system safer and more reliable .

  14. 合同还包括了保护和控制系统,以及中压和低压开关柜。

    The contract also includes protection and control systems as well as medium-voltage and low-voltage switchgear .

  15. 低压开关柜的热设计

    Heat Design for Low-voltage Switchgear Assemblies

  16. 该技术还适用于智能电器以及高低压开关柜等装置。

    ? This technology is also applied on intelligent apparatus and high / low voltage switch device .

  17. 主要介绍智能型低压开关柜中带微处理器的可编程的测量控制模块、操作显示模块、采样模块等功能。

    This article mainly introduces functions of programmable measurement controlling module , operation indicating module and sampling module etc.

  18. 电弧光保护及其在中低压开关柜和母线保护中的应用

    The Arc Protection System and Its Application to the Internal Fault of LV / MV Switchgear and the Busbar

  19. 我厂还专业生产可控硅整流器、特种变压器、电抗器和低压开关柜。

    We also specializing in the production of plant silicon-controlled rectifier , and special transformers , reactors and low-voltage switchgear .

  20. 利用数据统计的手段可以更有效地掌握电网负荷和供电质量等情况。推广低压开关柜远程智能控制器在电网系统中的安装使用对于电网系统的运行、维护和管理都具有指导和参考价值。

    With the usage of the Intelligent Controller , the Power Management Department will control the system efficiently and freely .

  21. 介绍一种可用于中低压开关柜保护控制的全硬件数字逻辑电路方案。

    A digital control circuit scheme used as protection and control for medium and low voltage switchgears is introduced in this paper .

  22. 苏州市倍尔特电器有限公司是专业生产高低压开关柜及钣金加工的企业。

    Suzhou Berite Electric Limited Co , . ltd is a professional production of low voltage switch cabinets and sheet metal processing enterprises .

  23. 高低压开关柜及各种配电箱,采用大量的薄钢板折弯零件。

    A lot of thin steel sheet bent parts are applied in high and low-voltage switchgear cabinets and various kinds of power distribution boxes .

  24. 与此同时,中低压开关柜在短路故障发生时,产生的弧光会对设备及人员造成不小的危害,甚至会演变成母线故障,造成严重的经济损失。

    At the same time , when short circuit fault occurs in LV / MV switchgear , generated arc will do a lot of harm to equipment and personnel , even evolve into a busbar accident , and cause a great economic losses .

  25. 结合GZT低压成套开关柜的MXY异型母线,论述了异型母线的动热稳定性;

    Combined with GZT low-voltage switchgear assemblies MXY non-conventional type busbar , its dynamic stability was discussed .

  26. 根据GZT低压成套开关柜CCC认证试验数据,通过分析对比,表明4000A/5000A异型水平母线系统比矩型水平母线系统节约铜材30%。

    Based on GZT low-voltage switchgear assemblies CCC accreditation data , via analysis and comparison , it shows that 4 000 A / 5 000 A non-conventional type level busbar system saves 30 % copper material than rectangular level busbar system .

  27. 低压电器开关柜定制设计系统的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Customization Design System for Low-Voltage Switchgear

  28. 基于模糊评判的低压开关控制柜的故障预测

    Fault forecast for low-voltage switchgear cabinet based on fuzzy evaluation

  29. 低压电器开关柜产品的个性化设计既是当前市场的实际需求,也是其发展的必然趋势。

    The design of low-voltage switchgear product design is trending customized , since current market physical demand , is also its development .

  30. 介绍了低压电器开关柜配置设计系统和高压电器开关柜配置设计系统的功能、特点、运行流程和基本的配置设计方法。

    The low voltage switchgear and high voltage configuration design system was introduced . Including system function , characteristic , movement flow and basic disposition design method .