
  • 网络Arc suppression coil;peterson coil;asc
  1. 根据偏磁式消弧线圈的调谐原理和控制方法,深入研究了偏磁式消弧线圈的全数字化控制器。

    According to tuning theory and control method of the magnetic bias ASC , the fully digital controller of the magnetic bias ASC is implemented .

  2. 基于TSC的消弧线圈及其补偿电网的自动调谐

    Arc suppression coil based on thyristor switched capacitors and its automatic tuning of compensation network

  3. 基于DSP和FPGA的消弧线圈数字励磁调节器

    Digital excitation regulator based on DSP and FPGA for arc-suppression coil

  4. 基于Matlab的一种新型消弧线圈的仿真

    Simulation of a new structure arc - extinguishing reactor based on Matlab

  5. 发电机中性点经配电变压器接地,降低了定子接地保护的动作灵敏度,对经计算不可能产生过电压的发电机,应将配电变压器换成单相电压互感器(TV)或消弧线圈。

    Grounding the generator neutral through distribution transformer will decrease sensitivity of stator earth fault protection .

  6. EMS中消弧线圈档位自动整定计算方法

    Automatic tap setting of arc-extinction coil by EMS

  7. 通过对气隙调感式消弧线圈机理的分析,建立了该系统的数学模型,并利用MATLAB仿真对PID控制器的参数进行了设定。

    Through analyzing the mechanism of the system , its mathematical model is set up . The PID controller parameters are selected by using MATLAB simulation .

  8. TSC式消弧线圈及其自动控制系统的改进设计

    Improved Design of TSC Arc-Suppression Reactor and Its Automatic Control System

  9. TSC式消弧线圈的涌入电流及其抑制

    Analysing and Restraining the Surge Current of TSC ARC Suppression Coll

  10. TSC式自动调谐消弧线圈接地装置

    A New Arc Suppression Coil Grounding Device with TSC Automatic Tuning

  11. 新型TSC式自动调谐消弧线圈

    Improved Design of Automatic Tuning Arc Suppression Coil with Thyristor Series Capacitors

  12. 利用SABER软件包辅助设计一种可连续调节消弧线圈

    Design of a continuously adjustable ASC using saber simulation package

  13. 针对气隙调感式消弧线圈接地系统中很难实现对消弧线圈的精确、快速控制,提出了基于PID控制的消弧线圈控制系统。

    It is difficult for the air gap inductance regulation arc-suppression coil grounding system to control accurately and rapidly arc-suppression-coil . PID based control system of arc-suppression-coil is presented .

  14. DSP主要完成采样、PI调节和通信等,实现偏磁式消弧线圈励磁电流的数字控制。

    The DSP realizes functions of sampling , PI regulation , communication and so on to digitally control the excitation current of arc-suppression coil with magnetic bias .

  15. 新型可连续调节的TSC式消弧线圈

    Novel Adjustable TSC Arc Suppressing Coil

  16. 消弧线圈和MOA对配电网弧光接地过电压的限制

    Limitation of Overvoltage due to Arcing Ground with Arc-Suppressing Coil and a Gapless ZnO Arrester in the Power Distributing System

  17. 10kV消弧线圈补偿系统线路耦合谐振分析

    Analysis of Coupling-resonance in Petersen-coil Compensated 10 kV Networks

  18. 设计了该原理应用在经消弧线圈接地系统中的matlab仿真模型,验证了该原理可以根据参考信号,有效地提取含有噪声的信号的有效信息。

    Application of the design principles in the Petersen coil grounding system in matlab simulation model can be verified in accordance with the principle of reference signals , effectively extract the signal with noise effective information .

  19. 分析了中性点不接地、经小电阻接地和经消弧线圈接地三种方式的优缺点,用MATLAB对不同接地方式下单相接地故障时的运行情况进行了仿真。

    Analysis of the Neutral , the low resistance grounding and arc suppression coil grounding through the advantages and disadvantages of three ways , using MATLAB simulation under different single phase grounding fault in the operation .

  20. 电容器涌入电流的抑制,是TSC式消弧线圈设计中要考虑的一个重要问题。

    Restraining of the surge current of capacitors is an important problem in the designing of the TSC are suppression coil .

  21. 35kV消弧线圈自动跟踪调谐技术的理论分析及实践

    Analysis and Application of 35 kV Automatic Tuning Reactor

  22. 现行所有以消弧线圈设计的自动跟踪补偿或自动调谐是在电网工频(50Hz)下完成的。

    All automatic following compensation or automatic tuning designed under power frequency are based on arc quenching coil .

  23. 35kV系统由于一般出线较长,增装消弧线圈是有效的,对系统的安全运行十分有利。

    Adding arc-suppression coil in long-outlet-line 35 kV system is effective , which can ensure the system stable operation .

  24. 消弧线圈接地方式下外加20Hz电源定子接地保护的应用

    Application of Injecting 20 Hz Voltage Based Ground Fault Protection for Generators Grounded via Petersen-coil

  25. 介绍了三水地区的10kV配电网中性点接地方式以及对消弧线圈的选择。

    This paper introduced the neutral grounding mode for Sanshui District 10 kV Distribution Network and its selection of arc suppression system .

  26. 油田35kV系统手动调匝消弧线圈的档位调节

    Study on Regulating Operational Taps for Manual Shift Type Arc-extinction Coil in 35 kV System of Oil Field Power Network

  27. 煤矿6kV电网消弧线圈补偿对高压选择性接地保护装置的影响

    Arc Extinction Coil Compensation of Coal Mine 6 kV Network Affected to High Voltage Selective Grounding Protection Device

  28. 我国大多数6~35kV中压配电网均采用中性点不接地或经消弧线圈接地的运行方式。

    In China , neutral isolated and Peterson coil grounded system are widely used in 6 kV ~ 35kV medium voltage distribution networks .

  29. 66kV系统消弧线圈加装消谐阻尼装置的论证

    Proof of Mounting of Harmonics Removing Damping Device for Arc Removing Coil of 66 kV System

  30. 10kV配网系统应采用消弧线圈接地方式,接地电容电流的测量采用相对地外加电容法,消弧线圈选用晶闸管调节自动跟踪补偿型式,接地变压器可选用Z型接线方式。

    10 kV distribution network systems should be grounded through arc-suppression coils , with phase-to-earth applied capacitance for measuring earthed capacitive current , thyristor-controlled automatic tracking compensation mode for arc-suppression coils , Z-connection for grounding transformers .