
xiāo fánɡ zhàn
  • fire station;firehouse
  1. “就在那边公共广场附近的消防站呢!”

    " In the firehouse over near the public square !"

  2. 轮到他值班时,吃住都要在消防站。

    During his shift , he eats and sleeps at the firehouse .

  3. 8年的艰难时期刚刚过去,在此期间,伦敦有3家消防站遭关闭。如获批准,裁减又会接踵而至。

    The cuts , if approved , come on the back of a difficult eight years that have seen three London fire stations closed .

  4. 第二十七条城市人民政府应当按照国家规定的消防站建设标准建立公安消防队、专职消防队、承担火灾扑救工作。

    Article 27 Urban people 's governments shall , in accordance with the standards on fire control station construction , set up public security fire brigade , full time fire brigade to undertake fire fighting and rescue work .

  5. 利用城市GIS中数据信息进行消防站的选址

    The Site Selection of Fire Station Using the Data Information of GIS

  6. 基于Lingo软件的消防站布局优化

    Optimization of fire station locations based on Lingo software

  7. 加州帕姆斯普林desertsun报道称,政府官员正在检查消防站的选址,以防出现重叠或“underlap”。

    The desert sun of Palm Springs , California reported that officials were examining the siting of fire stations to prevent overlap or " underlap " .

  8. 基于地理网络模型与GIS技术,提出了顾及地理网络特征的城市消防站布局渐进优化方法,实现了城市新建消防站的选址规划及城市消防站的整体布局优化。

    On the basis of geographical network model and GIS , this paper presents a method for the gradual optimization of fire station locations , which considers its geographical network attribute and optimizes the fire station locations as well as the coverage area boundaries .

  9. 于是,我在上周四早晨步行来到南华克(Southwark)消防站,按响了一个样式古老的门铃。

    So , last Thursday morning , I walked down to Southwark fire station and rang an old-fashioned bell .

  10. 我朝消防站的尽头望去,那里竖立l着高高的、金光闪闪的滑杆。

    I looked down to the end of the fire station and there stood , sparkling gold to the sky , the fire pole .

  11. 当投资者信心削弱时,这种做法通常会消失,用美国财长、前纽约联储总裁蒂姆盖特纳(timgeithner)的话说,这使美联储变成“城里唯一的消防站”。

    When investor confidence weakens it often disappears , leaving the Fed , in the words of Tim Geithner , the Treasury Secretary and former head of the New York Fed , as " the only fire station in town " .

  12. 汤普森说,氧气面罩有3种大小,它们将被分发到阿普尔顿市的6个消防站以及该市警察局下属的一个名叫K-9的分支机构。

    The masks , which come in three sizes , will be distributed to each of six fire stations and to the Appleton Police Department K-9 unit , he said .

  13. 石油化工企业消防站设置的有关问题浅析

    Discussion about Relation Problems of Fire Stations Setting in Petrochemical Enterprises

  14. 消防站优化布局方法与技术研究

    Study on the optimizing method and technique of fire station planning

  15. 就好像我工作和生活都在消防站。

    It 's like I live and work at the station house .

  16. 这是一个消防员,他在消防站工作。

    This is a fireman , he works in a fire station .

  17. 消防站责任区面积确定的理论模型

    A theoretical model for determining the responsibility zone of a fire station

  18. 该城市正在隔壁修建消防站。

    The city is building a fire station next door .

  19. 这场暴风雪就像猛兽一样。人们被困在车里,消防站也成为了人们的避难所。

    People were trapped in cars , firehouses were turned into shelters .

  20. 基于离散定位模型的城市消防站优化布局方法

    Optimal Deployment Method of City Fire Stations Based on Discrete Location Model

  21. 顾及地理网络特征的城市消防站布局渐进优化

    Gradual Optimization of Urban Fire Station Location Based on Geographical Network Attribute

  22. 作为英语课的教学内容,我们参观了消防站。

    As part of our English course , we visited the fire station .

  23. 第一个街口右转。走过消防站。

    Take the first on the right . continue past the fire station .

  24. 该方法首次将经典的离散定位理论引入到消防站的布局中,具有较强的实用性、针对性和合理性。

    Discrete location theory is first introduced in the deployment of fire stations .

  25. 城市消防站布局评估指标量化分析

    Quantitative analysis of evaluation indexes about layout of fire station in a city

  26. 主要包括:消防站、气防站、训练场地。

    Mainly includes : fire fighting station , gas safety service and training ground .

  27. 火灾风险评估引入消防站布局的实践与思考

    Practice and Thought of the Applies of Fire Risk Evaluation to Fire Station Layout

  28. 石化炼厂消防站设计探讨

    Fire station of the petrochemical plant design

  29. 那个消防站几年前就关了

    Yeah , well , that station house was shut down a few years back .

  30. 消防站布局优化的计算机方法

    Optimization of fire station locations using computer