
chuán bó dēnɡ jì
  • ship registration;registry
  1. 船舶登记制度研究及我国的对策

    Research on Ships ' Registry Regime and Countermeasures of China

  2. 船舶登记法律制度的经济分析

    An Economic Analysis on the Legal System of Ship Registry

  3. 新的船舶登记制度在国际上的发展和特征,尤其是以挪威国际船舶登记制度(NIS)为代表的国际船舶登记制度的具体内容及对我国的启示。

    The analysis on the development and character of new regime for ships registration , especially on the element of ISR of which NIS ( norweign international ship registry ) is successful .

  4. 官方船舶登记处数据显示,最近几周,nitc已经为24艘船舶重命名,占其44艘油轮的一半以上。

    In recent weeks , nitc has renamed 24 vessels , more than half its fleet of 44 tankers , according to official shipping registries .

  5. 船舶登记行为的法律性质及双方主体的法律责任

    Legal nature of ship registration act and legal responsibility of both parties

  6. 船舶登记条件问题政府间筹备组;

    Intergovernmental preparatory group on conditions for registration of ships ;

  7. 船舶登记审查形式的探讨

    Discussion on the form of review and checkup in registry of ships

  8. 澜沧江&湄公河国际航行船舶登记制度研究

    Study on the Registration System of Ships Sailing Internationally in Lancang-Mekong River

  9. 联合国船舶登记条件会议筹备委员会

    Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Conditions for Registration of Ships

  10. 船舶登记制度对我国航运的影响

    Influence of Ship Resignation System to the Chinese Shipping

  11. 基于角色的工作流在船舶登记系统中的研究

    The Research of Ship Registration System on Role-Based Workflow

  12. 南斯拉夫船舶登记局中华人民共和国船舶检验局渔船分局

    Fishing Vessel Branch , Register of Shipping of PRC

  13. 联合国船舶登记条件公约

    United Nations Convention on Conditions for Registration of Ships

  14. 中国船舶登记制度改革

    Reformation of System of Ship Registry of P.R.China

  15. 违反海上船舶登记管理秩序

    Violations of the Administration of Marine Vessel Registration

  16. 论船舶登记中的真正联系原则

    By ships registration in true relation principle

  17. 香港致力于扩大船舶登记

    Hong Kong Moves to Boost Ship Registry

  18. 国际莱茵河船舶登记协会

    International Association for the Rhine Ships Register

  19. 从《物权法(草案)》看对船舶登记制度的影响

    About the impact of the draft Law of Real Right on the ship registry system

  20. 第二船舶登记制度比较研究及对我国之启示

    The comparison study of the second ship registry system and its implication to our country

  21. 船舶登记法律效力问题研究

    Research on Legal Effect of Ship Registration

  22. 南斯拉夫船舶登记局

    Judgement Jugoslav Register of Shipping

  23. 船舶登记再度面临新考验

    Ship registration faces new tests

  24. 船舶登记制度的国际统一性问题研究论我国船舶所有权变动中的登记效力

    International unification of ships registration ; A Study on Registration Effect of Alteration in Ship 's Ownership

  25. 灵活的船舶登记系统

    Flexible ship registration system

  26. 船舶登记机关应当允许公众查询船舶抵押权的登记状况。

    The ship registration administration should make the information about the registration of ship mortgage available to the public .

  27. 原船籍港船舶登记机关出具的船舶所有权登记注销证明书;

    Document issued by the ship registration authority at the original port of registry certifying the deletion of the ownership ;

  28. 因此,研究建造中船舶登记制度具有深远的理论意义和实践意义。

    Therefore , the study on registry system of real rights in vessels under construction has the profound theoretical and practical significance .

  29. 中国物权法对中国船舶登记制度的影响和立法启发(英文)

    The influence and legislation inspiration of the real right law of people s republic of China on Chinese ship registry system ;

  30. 并结合当前理论研究和实践的成果,提出完善融资租赁船舶登记制度的建议。

    Combined with the current theory research and practice achievement , the article putts forward to perfect the ship financial leasing registration system .