
  • 网络stability;Stability of Ship
  1. 临界初稳性高度&散装谷物船舶稳性的等效衡准

    Critical Metacentric Height-Equivalent Criterion for the Stability of Bulk Grain Carrier

  2. 关于特殊船体形状船舶稳性的研究

    A Study on the Stability of Ships with Special Hull Forms

  3. 船舶稳性横截曲线的变换方法

    A Transformation Method of Obtaining Cross Curves of Ship 's Stability

  4. 高箱对船舶稳性影响的定量分析

    Quantitative analysis on the affection of high cube containers to GM

  5. 船舶稳性理论研究的方法及进展

    Study and Advance of The Theory of Stability of Ship

  6. 船舶稳性是船舶安全的核心。

    The stability of a ship is the core problem .

  7. 船舶稳性事故的后果非常严重。

    Stability-related accidents of ships could lead to disastrous consequences .

  8. 基于神经网络技术建立船舶稳性知识库

    Establishing the Knowledge Base of Ship Stability Based on Neural-Network

  9. 木材运输船不同装载状态时船舶稳性的调整

    Adjustment of stability for ships carrying timber deck cargoes on different loading conditions

  10. 重大件货物装卸中船舶稳性的计算及调整

    Calculation and adjustment of stability for a heavy-lift ship

  11. 集装箱船舶稳性校核方法的研究

    Study on Checking Methods of Stability of Container Carriers

  12. 规则波浪中的船舶稳性研究

    Study on the Ship of Stability in Regular Waves

  13. 沿海港口驳运船舶稳性核准的探讨

    Discussion on stability checking of lighterage in coastal port

  14. 船舶稳性的图谱表达形式及其电算方法

    A Stability Diagram for Ship and Computer Method for Calculation of the Diagram

  15. 从船舶稳性谈船舶在风浪中的正确驾驶

    Significance of Correct Navigation of Ship in Storm in Point of Ship Stability

  16. 纵浪上基本参数共振对船舶稳性的影响

    The Effect of Fundamental Parametric Excitation on the Stability of Ships in Longitudinal Seas

  17. 载荷增减时船舶稳性计算新方法

    New method for stability calculation while loads on board the ship increasing or decreasing

  18. 船舶稳性评价的重心高度等级法研究

    A Study of Grade 's Method of Gravity Center High for Ship 's Stability Evaluation

  19. 按横摇周期估算船舶稳性的图谱方法及其应用

    A Study on the Method for Evaluating the Stability of Ships with the Period of Roll

  20. 该装置的使用可有效提高船舶稳性、抗沉性、减摇性和防倾覆能力。

    The use of this device can effectively improve the steadiness , sink-resistibility , roll-weakening and overturn-preventing .

  21. 利用首次穿越失效理论研究了在随机波浪激励下的船舶稳性。

    The first passage failure theory is applied in studying the stability of a ship under stochastic wave excitations .

  22. 本文讨论了如何基于倾斜和横摇试验建立按横摇周期估算船舶稳性的图谱方法;

    This paper discusses the diagram for evaluating the ship stability based on the measured results of the roll period in inclining tests and rolling tests .

  23. 根据装船过程驳船受力分析建立了自动调载控制中调载水量计算的数学模型,根据船舶稳性的相关原理建立了稳性控制模型,完善了调载水量的计算。

    According to the barge force analysis the mathematic module of automatic water ballast adjustment is built . According to the theory of stability the module of stability is built . 3 .

  24. 从船舶稳性、船舶强度和船舶运动理论出发,分析研究航次的特殊装载状态,提出了一种确定船舶抗风浪等级的简易方法,为船长选择航线提供了重要依据。

    A simple method for the classification of vessels sustainability in winds and seas has been developed based on the study of stability , strength and the loading conditions of various voyages .

  25. 对静态船舶稳性计算的程序功能进行了拓展,进程间通信的方式进行了研究,采取了对文件进行读写操作的方式和设定定时器实现进程间数据的动态交换。

    Develops the procedure function on the ship stability calculation in static state . The paper researches the manners on the InterProcess Communication , decides do read-write operation on files and sets timer function to realize dynamic data exchange between InterProcesses .

  26. 对于能兼运散装谷物的多用途集装箱船而言,由于散装谷物具有一定的流动性,对船舶稳性产生类似于液体自由液面的不利影响。

    Multipurpose container ship which is able to carry also grain in bulk is suffering from adverse affect of some kind of free liquid of surface to its stability as the bulky grain has the tendency of certain degree of free movement .

  27. 国际海事组织(IMO)于1981年提出了计入风浪联合作用下船舶动稳性衡准原则。

    International Maritime Organization ( IMO ) presented in 1981 the dynamic stability criterion with the joint action of wind and waves counted .

  28. 1929年SOLAS公约提出了船舶完整稳性和浸水长度的设计标准,1948年SOLAS公约第一次提出了破舱稳性的要求。

    In 1929 SOLAS convention put ship intact stability and immersion length design standard , 1948 SOLAS convention put forward for the first time the damaged stability requirements .

  29. 运输干货船舶航次稳性计算方法

    A Calculating Method for Voyage Stability of Dry Cargo Ships

  30. 动态参数测量仪在船舶动稳性预报中的应用

    Application of Ship Dynamic Parameter Measuring Units in Predicting Ship Dynamic Stability