
  • 网络seakeeping
  1. 21世纪的船舶耐波性和波浪载荷预估

    Seakeeping and Wave Loads Prediction in the 21st Century

  2. 船舶耐波性评价及其在航海安全中的应用

    The Evaluation of Seakeeping and Application in Navigational Safety

  3. 船舶耐波性模糊优化方法研究

    Study on the Fuzzy Optimization Methodology of Ship 's Seakeeping Performance

  4. 高性能船舶耐波性评估浅析

    On Seakeeping Evaluation of Marine High Performance Vehicles

  5. 船用翼为提高船速、增强船舶耐波性与适航性等发挥了巨大的作用。

    The hydrofoil for improve the speed , enhance the ship seakeeping and sea-keeping capacity has played a tremendous role .

  6. 创建了一个基于优化平台概念的船舶耐波性模糊优化系统。

    Based on the concept of optimizing platform , a fuzzy optimization system for seakeeping performance of ship is created in this paper .

  7. 海洋平台设计选型的多级模糊优化及非结构性模糊决策分析船舶耐波性模糊优化方法研究

    Optimum Lectotype of Offshore Platform based on Multi-level Fuzzy Optimization and Non-structrual Fuzzy Decision Study on the Fuzzy Optimization Methodology of Ship 's Seakeeping Performance

  8. 本文在利用已有的耐波性理论预报研究成果的基础上,开展了船舶耐波性综合评价方法及其应用的研究工作。

    This paper embarks the research of the comprehensive evaluation method of seakeeping and its application , utilizing the fruit of the academic prediction of seakeeping .

  9. 本文将船舶耐波性理论结合航运生产实际,采用海浪谱分析法,提出了船舶在不规则波中运动的统计值预报方法。

    In the light of seakeeping theory , the spectrum is applied for the description of waves . The method of prediction of the movement of ship in irregular waves is put forward .

  10. 减摇鳍在提高船舶耐波性、增加船舶使用寿命、改善设备的正常工作与成员的舒适性、提高舰船的适航性和战斗力等方面发挥了重要作用。

    Fin Stabilizer plays an important role in improving ship seaworthiness , giving a longer life for ship , ensuring equipments working better and members on comfort , advancing battle effectiveness of naval ship .

  11. 减摇鳍对于提高船舶耐波性,增加船舶使用寿命,改善设备与人员的工作条件,提高舰艇的战斗力具有重要作用。

    Stabilizing fins have played an important role for improving ship behavior in waves , increasing operational life-span of ship , ameliorating work conditions of equipment and crew and advancing battle effectiveness of naval ship .

  12. 首先在中国船舶科学研究中心耐波性水池(69×46×4米)的不规则波中完成了模型试验,该平台的实际总排水量为51000吨,作业水深为250米。

    Model test were performed in irregular waves in seakeeping basin at CSSRC ( 69 × 46 × 4m ) . The prototype of model has of overall displacement of 51000 tons and operating in a water depth of 250m .

  13. 高速船舶运动和波浪载荷响应计算方法研究对于高性能船舶的耐波性预报和船体结构设计具有重要意义。

    The development of suitable numerical techniques of ship motions and wave - induced loads of high speed vessels is important for the prediction of seakeeping and structural design of high performance ships .

  14. 船舶横摇运动是对船舶航行影响最大的运动,研究船舶横摇运动的建模与预报对于提高船舶适航性、耐波性有重要意义。

    Because ship rolling is the heaviest motion of a ship in waves , it is important to study ship rolling modeling and prediction in order to improve ship 's seaworthiness and wave-resistance .