- port of registry;home port

The shipmasters of each of the ships in collision is likewise bound so far as possible to make known to the other ship the name of his ship , its port of registry , and the places where she had departed from and is bound for .
Document issued by the ship registration authority at the original port of registry certifying the deletion of the ownership ;
Any port where a ship stops except its home port .
The ship 's owner and port of registry changed from previous Tianjin Ocean Shipping Company and Tianjin to present Yucai Shipping Company and Dalian .
Where no one shipping administration authority or embassy , consulate , representative office or authorized organization is available in a domestic or a foreign area , the employer shall prepare the verification procedures within three days after the ship arrives at her registration port .
Ship 's name , port of registry , draft marks and loadline marks to be dressed and repainted .
When they re-emerged on the high seas , the freshly painted tankers had new names , new flags and new home ports .
Where a ship being constrained by its type and size is unable to be marked as above , it shall be marked with its name and port of registry at a noticeable position .