
chuán jí ɡǎnɡ
  • port of registry;home port
  1. 各该船长,应于可能范围内,将其船舶名称及船籍港并开来及开往之处所,通知于他船舶。

    The shipmasters of each of the ships in collision is likewise bound so far as possible to make known to the other ship the name of his ship , its port of registry , and the places where she had departed from and is bound for .

  2. 原船籍港船舶登记机关出具的船舶所有权登记注销证明书;

    Document issued by the ship registration authority at the original port of registry certifying the deletion of the ownership ;

  3. 一艘船除了它的船籍港外停靠的所有港口。

    Any port where a ship stops except its home port .

  4. 船舶所有人和船籍港由原“天津远洋公司”和“天津”变更为现在的“育才船务公司”和“大连”。

    The ship 's owner and port of registry changed from previous Tianjin Ocean Shipping Company and Tianjin to present Yucai Shipping Company and Dalian .

  5. 国内无航政机关或国外无驻外使领馆、代表处、办事处或外交部授权机构之地区,雇用人应于到达船籍港三日内补办雇佣契约验证手续。

    Where no one shipping administration authority or embassy , consulate , representative office or authorized organization is available in a domestic or a foreign area , the employer shall prepare the verification procedures within three days after the ship arrives at her registration port .

  6. 船名,船籍港,吃水标志和载重线标志需修饰,重刷。

    Ship 's name , port of registry , draft marks and loadline marks to be dressed and repainted .

  7. 当它们再次出现在公海上时,这些涂上新漆的油轮有了新的名字、新的船旗以及新的船籍港。

    When they re-emerged on the high seas , the freshly painted tankers had new names , new flags and new home ports .

  8. 受船型或者尺寸限制不能在前款规定的位置标明标志的船舶,应当在船上显著位置标明船名和船籍港。

    Where a ship being constrained by its type and size is unable to be marked as above , it shall be marked with its name and port of registry at a noticeable position .