
  1. 我想或许和船有点关系。

    I think maybe it had something to do with boats .

  2. 晚饭后,船有点晃。

    After dinner the ship was pitching slightly .

  3. 把我的船沉没点回家

    Take my sinking boat and point it home

  4. 菲尔,我们得对安布尔和罗尼的船采取点措施了。

    Phil , we have got to do something about Amber and Ronnie 's boat .

  5. 离我的船远点!

    And stay off my boat !

  6. 很明显这船有点漏水。

    Apparently there 's a leak .

  7. 他最终在凌晨两点艰难地游到了钻探设备上,此地与船沉点相距50英里,距船沉时间已有一天半;肯得以在机上厨房找到电话并打给妻子,妻子随即向海岸警卫队报警。

    After finally stumbling aboard the rig at two in the morning , a day and a half after and 50 miles from where their boat sank , Ken was able to find a galley with a phone and call his wife , who alerted the Coast Guard .

  8. 将抛投绳固定在船的坚固点上。

    Fix operation line to strong point on ship .

  9. 要赶上这出船日期有点困难。

    It will be a little hard for us to make this shipping date .

  10. 就找到船里有点血。

    Just some blood in the boat .

  11. 医疗船方面有点小问题。

    There are minor problems with Medivac .

  12. 船于17点停靠码头。

    The ship docks at 17.00 .

  13. 船预计在12点到。

    The boat is due to arrive at12 .

  14. 我在船上觉得有点晕眩想呕吐。

    I felt a little queasy on the ship .

  15. 我甚至听不到这只死气沉沉的船上有一点声响。

    I didn 't hear a single sound inside this dead-seeming boat .

  16. 船上好像一点也没有什么变化。

    Nothing seemed to have changed on board .

  17. 让船再顶风一点,好不好?

    Head her up more , will you ?

  18. 我的船受到了一点损坏,我也受了点轻伤。我把这段经历写在了博客里。

    Boat got a bit dinged up , so did I. I blogged about it .

  19. 给予卖方有关船名、装船点和要求交货时间的充分通知。

    Give the seller sufficient notice of the vessel name , loading point and required delivery time .

  20. 这船被夜幕笼罩着,船上没有一点声音能传到岸上。

    She was wrapped in the blanket of night , through which no sound from her could have reached the shore .

  21. 他们吃饱了,就把船上的麦子,抛在海里,为要叫船轻一点。

    And when they had eaten enough , they lightened the ship , and cast out the wheat into the sea .

  22. 我们现在是躺在一只潜水船的脊背上,按照我可能的判断,这船似乎有点像一条巨大的钢鱼。

    We were stretched out on the back of some kind of underwater boat that , as far as I could judge , boasted the shape of an immense steel fish .