
  1. 船7月5日开航,直驶安纳波里斯。

    The boat set sail on July 5 , headed directly for Annapolis .

  2. 救生船中央月池开口部位应力集中分析

    Stress concentration analysis of moon-pool in rescue ship

  3. 卡西尼太空船几个月前又从这些飞溅的水流中穿过,它检测到了硅酸盐颗粒。

    Cassini just a few months ago also flew through the plume , and it measured silicate particles .

  4. 造价昂贵的深水钻井船具有月池大开口,结构十分复杂;它常年作业于深水海域,海洋环境相当恶劣,一旦发生事故,必将造成人员和财产的巨大损失。

    The expensive deepwater drillship , which has a quite complex structure because of its large openings , moonpool , always works in deep sea area in which the ocean environment is very severe . Severe casualties and great property losses will be caused in case of an accident .

  5. 船1个月内还不能交付使用。

    The ship will not be ready for a month .

  6. “我听说霍齐亚森的船两个月前在马尔岛附近沉了。”他说道,“你从那以后一直在干什么?”

    I heard that Hoseason 's ship went down near the island of Mull two months ago , ' he said . ' What have you been doing since then ? '

  7. 另外两艘搜寻船将于本月晚些时候加入搜索行动。

    The other two ships will join the hunt later this month .