
  • 【人名】Hye gyo Song
  1. 这部由宋钟基和宋慧乔主演的电视剧,每周三和周四的下午9点在爱奇艺播出,而韩国的KBS2TV也在同步播出。

    Starring Song Joong-ki and Song Hye-kyo , the show is now airing on iQiyi.com at 9 p.m. every Wednesday and Thursday , the same time as on South Korean KBS 2TV .

  2. 女生们纷纷涌向美发店,想要剪一个女主角宋慧乔同款的标志性刘海。

    Women are rushing to the hair salon to copy lead actress Song Hye-kyo 's trademarkbangs .

  3. 宋慧乔在去年年末确定出演,在中国接受了武术训练。

    Song Hye Kyo at the end of last year to determine appeared in China , received martial arts training .

  4. 而卖包所得的钱将会被捐献给以宋慧乔命名的慈善组织。

    All money generated from selling the bags will be donated to charitable organizations in the name of Song Hye Kyo .

  5. 一款以韩国女演员宋慧乔名字命名的手提包周三在香港召开时尚发布会。

    A handbag named in honor of South Korean actress Song Hye Kyo was released at a haute couture fashion show in Hong Kong on wednesday .

  6. 最新调查显示,一半以上的韩国观众在看完电影《黄真伊》后一致认为,宋慧乔饰演的黄真伊不敌河智苑的那一版。

    The newest investigation demonstrated , a half above South Koreanaudience after looked the movie " Huang Zhenyi " believed , Song Huiqiaoplays Huang Zhenyi not enemy river wisdom park that edition .

  7. 假如你还没入《太阳的后裔》这个坑,本文先给你普及一下剧情:这部剧一共16集,男主宋仲基饰演帅气的军官,女主宋慧乔饰演漂亮的医生,也就是他的女友。

    If you haven 't already jumped on the Descendants bandwagon , the 16-episode drama stars actor Song Joong-ki as a dashing military man , and actress Song Hye-kyo as his gorgeous doctor-muse .

  8. 作为这部十六集电视剧在中国的官方独家授权网站,剧中宋慧乔饰演的一名医生使用的同款商品在爱奇艺上销量剧增。

    IQiyi , the official streaming site of the 16-episode drama in China , is seeing sky rocketing sales of items used by actress Song Hye-gyo , whose character is a doctor in the series .

  9. 把你的信用卡锁进保险柜里,然后把钥匙扔得远远的。这样当你看到屏幕上宋慧乔丝滑有光泽的皮肤时,才不会一时控制不住跑去买她代言的化妆品——而且还买了够一整年用的。

    Lock your credit card in the safe and throw away your key , so you won 't give in to the urge to run out and buy a year 's worth of cosmetic products when you see brand ambassador Song Hye-kyo 's amazing skin glowing on screen .