
  1. 一次,他受宋王的派遣,出使秦国。

    Once , he was sent on a mission by the King of Song to the State of Qin .

  2. 宋王当然很喜欢。

    Of course , the Emperor loved it very much .

  3. 评论:惠盎先用小的道术诱惑宋王,然后再讲高等一点的道理。

    Comments : Hui Ang first tried to entice the Emperor with minor magical power , and then instilled higher truths in him .

  4. 目前为止我们能用的只有宋球王,指望他打完全赛季肯定是脑子里有水。

    At the moment the only player in the squad who can play that role is Alex Song .

  5. 我是06级毕业生宋正王,目前在日本早稻田大学攻读硕士学位。

    I am Song Zheng Wang , graduating from Benedictine College ( Shanghai campus ) in2006.Now I am pursuing my Master 's Degree in Waseda University , Japan .

  6. 本文主要就南朝王国官的几个问题展开探讨。首先,探讨了宋、齐诸王师的问题。

    This article mainly discusses some questions about the official of the Southern Dynasties ' Vassal Kingdom . First , we discuss the question which is about the Vassal Kings ' teachers of Song , Qi Dynasties .