
  • 网络history of chinese logic
  1. 中国逻辑史研究的误区

    Some Malpractices in the Study of the History of Chinese Logic

  2. 中国逻辑史研究和有关争论

    Research of the History of Chinese Logic and Relevant Debates

  3. 中国逻辑史研究50年概览

    A survey of 50 years study of logic history in China

  4. 论中国逻辑史研究中的肯定与否定

    On Affirmation and Negation in the Research of the History of Chinese Logic

  5. 温公颐中国逻辑史研究试探

    On WEN Gong-yi 's research about Chinese logic

  6. 中国逻辑史研究的对象、范围、目标指向以及中国逻辑的基本走势等;

    The object , range , objective of study and the development of Chinese logic .

  7. 20世纪的中国逻辑史研究,有两个最有意义的事件,一是世纪初开展的中西逻辑比较。

    There are two most significant events in the study of Chinese logic during the 20th century .

  8. 在研究思路上,他主要从纯形式逻辑角度去研究中国逻辑史。

    On the thought of research , he studies the history of Chinese logic from " pure form logic " .

  9. 第一阶段,是20世纪初至30年代末,这是中国逻辑史研究的开拓时期。

    The first phase is the pioneering phase , dating from the beginning of 20th century to the end of 1930s .

  10. 墨家对于逻辑学规律的研究对中国逻辑史作出了极其重要的贡献,对于我们的逻辑思维也是富有启发性的。

    Mohist School 's researches into logical regulations contributed much towards Chinese logical history and give great enlightenment to our logical thinking .

  11. 中国逻辑史的对象是关于中国思想史中与推理有关的思想学说的研究。

    The history of Chinese logic object is about the history of Chinese thought and reasoning related to the study of the ideological doctrine .

  12. 中国逻辑史研究的中心任务是研究中国古代推理理论的特点及其产生和发展规律。

    The central task of the study of the history of Chinese logic is to investigate the features and developing laws of the ancient Chinese theory about inference .

  13. 墨学中所包含的逻辑方法,经过后世学者的发掘整理,在中国逻辑史上具有了里程碑式的意义。

    The logic in Mo Zi 's theory , explored and sifted by scholars of later generations , is of a milestone significance in the history of Chinese logic .

  14. 本时期研究范围广泛且表现出一定的深度,是中国逻辑史研究的全面展开和提高期。

    The investigation in this period was both abroad and profound , and this period is the one when the study of the history of Chinese logic develops fully .

  15. 比较研究始终要坚持以现代成熟的逻辑理论为指导研究中国逻辑史,但又要注重运用其他现代科学理论认识中国古代文献中与逻辑相关的其他学术思想。

    Comparison must be based upon modern logic , and at the same time apply other modern scientific theories to know other thoughts relevant to logic in ancient Chinese documentation .

  16. 逻辑史观及其研究中所遵循的原则、所运用的方法是温公颐中国逻辑史研究中的两个重要侧面。

    The viewpoint of the history of logic and the principles or methods which were followed or applied formed the two important aspects in WEN Gong yi 's research about Chinese logic .

  17. 从特有的逻辑观和逻辑史观出发,汪奠基的中国逻辑史研究是颇具特色的:涉及了与中国古代逻辑发展相关的各种因素;

    According to his idea about logic and his idea about the history of logic , Wang Dianji 's study of the history of Chinese logic was quite characteristic at that time .

  18. 汪奠基在20世纪中叶实现了学术研究的重心转移,由现代逻辑转向中国逻辑史。

    WANG Dian-ji began to mainly study the history of Chinese logic in the latter half of 20th century , while the focus of his work in the first half of 20th century was modern logic .

  19. 19世纪以来的中国逻辑史研究,比照西方逻辑,仅仅将先秦的名辩学看成是中国逻辑史的主要部分。

    Since the 19th century , the studies of Chinese logic history , comparing with western logic , only consider the logicians ' learning of the pre-Qin times the main body in the Chinese logic history .

  20. 中国逻辑史专家对中国古代逻辑思想的研究主要集中于名家、儒家和墨家,却忽视了对道家,特别是对道家创始人老子的逻辑思想的挖掘。

    Experts at Chinese logic history have focused their study of ancient Chinese logic thoughts on the school of logicians , the Confucianists and the Monist School , ignoring the study of the Taoist School , especially its creaton-Laozi .

  21. 在中国古代逻辑史上,言和意是一对比较重要的逻辑范畴,言意之辨盛于魏晋。

    In the Chinese ancient logical history , word and meaning was an important logical category . The argument between word and meaning prevailed in Wei-Jin dynasties .

  22. 两汉推类思想作为先秦推类思想的继承和发展,在中国逻辑思想史上有着承前启后的重要地位。

    The ideas of analogy in the Han Dynasty is very important in the history of logical thinking in ancient China , which was carried forward and expanded to the pre-Qin days .

  23. 严复是中国近代逻辑思想史上的第一人,为引进并普及西方逻辑学做了大量工作。

    YAN fu was the first man in the modern Chinese history of logical thoughts .

  24. 《墨经》是“世界最古名学之书”。其在中国和世界逻辑史上都占据着极其重要的地位。

    Mohism played an important part in the history of logic both in China and around the world .

  25. 中国逻辑史其实就是中国逻辑哲学史。

    The history of Chinese logic is actually the history of Chinese philosophy of logic .