
Hán fēi
  • Han Fei;Legalist philosopher
韩非 [hán fēi]
  • [Han Fei] (约前280-前233) 战国末年的哲学家和政治家。出身于韩国贵族,师于荀况,著有《孤愤》、《五蠹》、《说难》等,深受秦王政的重视,并出使秦国,后被李斯等陷害。死于狱中。他吸取当时道、儒、墨各家思想中的有利于新兴地主阶级利益的,发展了前期法家思想,集法家学说的大成

  1. 采用日本松下M90型录像机,拍录韩非比赛状态的6次试掷技术。

    A Panasonic video tape recorder ( M90 ) is adopted to shoot Han Fei 's skills of trail throw for 6 times at the competition state .

  2. 韩非治吏思想研究

    On the Study of Han Fei 's Thought of Administrating Bureaucracy

  3. 韩非的理欲观剖析

    An Analysis of Han Fei 's Perspectives of Reason and Desire

  4. 利益观与韩非的政治思想体系

    View of benefits and Han Fei 's political thought system

  5. 韩非政治法律思想的逻辑分析

    Logic Analysis of Han Fei 's Political and Legal Ideology

  6. 关于韩非法治思想与现代法律的思考

    Reflection on the Nomocracy Theory of Han Fei and the Modern Law

  7. 论韩非的矛盾律思想

    On Han Fei 's Thoughts of Law of No Contradiction

  8. 对少年运动员韩非推铅球技术的节奏分析

    Technical Analysis of Juvenile Athlete , Han Fei 's Rhythm in Shot Putting

  9. 试论韩非文章的语言特点

    On the Language Features of Han Fei 's Essays

  10. 韩非与马基雅弗利在政治倾向上相似又相异;

    Han Fei and Machiavelli have similarity and difference in their political inclination ;

  11. 论韩非政论的文学价值

    On Literary Value of Han Fei 's Political Essay

  12. 韩非认为人性自私、自为。

    Han Fei understood that human nature is selfish .

  13. 韩非“常”变“思想管窥”

    On Han fei 's ideas on " stability " and " change "

  14. 先秦法家从商鞅到韩非经历了从重“法”到重“术”的转变。

    Pre-Qin legalists , who had emphasized law , changed to value tactics .

  15. 韩非的“矛盾”寓言属于逻辑矛盾。

    Han Fei 's " spear and shield " fable belongs to logic contradiction .

  16. 指出:依据自然规律立法是韩非的立法根据;

    Point out : the laws of nature is the basis of Hanfei legislation ;

  17. 不论在战略还是在战术上,古代兵法均有不少与韩非法治思想可互相参照之处。

    There are many sameness between tactics and Han fei 's law and skill ideology .

  18. 韩非作为法家学派的代表,对于儒家学派多有责难和排斥。

    As a representative of Legalists , Han Fei censures and eliminates Confucianism a lot .

  19. 韩非是先秦末期法家理论的集大成者,他的非道德主义思想独具特色、影响深远。

    Han Fei Qin late Legalist theory synthesizer , his non-moral ideology unique and far-reaching impact .

  20. 韩非就是这样改造降格,将老子的“道”纳入了自己的政治哲学.并为其服务。

    In this way , Han Fei made Laozi 's Natural Laws serve his political philosophy .

  21. 中国历代学者对韩非与墨家的关系研究较少,近代以后才开始关注墨、法关系。

    And in modern times they began to notice the relations between Mohist school and Legalist school .

  22. 而这种较为彻底的人性恶理论也使韩非成为了典型的非道德主义者。

    And this kind of relatively complete theory of evil human nature make Han Fei a typical unethical .

  23. 商鞅韩非推行法治的具体措施同中有异。

    Concrete rule by law measure Shang Yang and Han Fei is carried out has different also with middle .

  24. 韩非法治理论包括法治思想的内容、实质和特点等。

    Han 's legal theory is characteristic of its contents , substantive quality , character and nature of law .

  25. 第三部分,韩非的术论在当时帮助秦国强大,统一了全国。

    The third part , Han Fei helped Qin state strong and unified the whole country at that time .

  26. 第一部分,韩非提出用利益原则来作为治国的驱动力。

    In Part One , Han Fei advocated that the principles of benefits be drive of ruling the country .

  27. 前期法家的代表人物有李悝、商鞅和申不害,后期法家的代表人物是韩非。

    In the early period its leaders were Li Kui , Shang Yang , Shen Buhai and finally Fei .

  28. 韩非的立法原则有功利性、公正性、因人情、随时变等。

    Hanfei 's legislative principles include utilitarian , fairness , changing due to human feelings , time and so on .

  29. 韩非对鲁迅的影响发生在两个层面,一是思维方式,二是文章风格。

    The latter 's influence on the former mainly focuses on two aspects : mode of thinking and writing style .

  30. 深刻把握韩非法治思想之精神要义,能为我国法制建设提供理论借鉴。

    We should grasp the main spirit of hanfei 's legal thoughts and provide materials for our socialist legal construction .