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  • 网络Han Fei Tzu
韩非子 [hán fēi zǐ]
  • [Han Feizi] 同韩非

  1. 《韩非子》集法家思想之大成。

    In Han Fei Zi all previous teachings of the legalist thinkers were synthesized and brought to their highest development .

  2. 故曹小国也,而迫于晋、楚之间,其君之危犹累卵也。(《韩非子》)

    Cao was a small state hemmed in between Jin and chu , and the safety of its ruler was as precarious as a pile of eggs .

  3. 韩非子的治吏思想及其现代意义

    Han fei 's idea on governing officials and Its Modern Significance

  4. 《韩非子》反义形容词对应关系研究

    Study on Corresponding Relationship Between Adjective Antonyms in Han Fei Zi

  5. 《韩非子》介词研究

    Study on Preposition in the " Han Fei Zi "

  6. 《韩非子》的编集是一个较长的过程。

    The compilation of Hanfeizi is a relatively long process .

  7. 著有《韩非子》一书,阐明他的思想和主张。

    He wrote the book oiHan Feizi , illustrating his thought and proposals .

  8. 其次需要了解韩非子的权力概念。

    Second , we should comprehend authority conception .

  9. 荀子哲学的立场倾向与韩非子哲学间的关系探讨

    A Discussion of the Relationship between Xun Zi 's Philosophy and Han Feizi 's

  10. 据《韩非子·外储说》记载风筝起源于潍坊。

    According to " outside Hanfeizi · Reserve said ," originated in the Weifang Kite records .

  11. 韩非子的权力制约思想对中国古代权力制约机制的形成产生了直接影响。

    These thought directly influences the formation of the mechanism of the power restrain in ancient China government .

  12. 韩非子政治思想再研究纲要&共识视域中政治价值与政治措施的有机融合18世纪中日政治思想的反差

    Re-study of Han Feizi 's Political Thought Comparative Studies on the Political Thought of China and Japan in Eighteenth-century

  13. 本文运用文学的眼光,将《韩非子》作为散文文本,对其与众不同的文学个性作出探讨。

    From the literary perspective , this paper discusses its distinctive character as a prose version of Han Feizi .

  14. 而从篇章修辞学的角度对《韩非子》的论证进行分析的,则是更加匮乏。

    And from the Angle of discourse rhetoric Han Feizi , an analysis of the argument is more scarce .

  15. 第四章重点探求韩非子与先秦诸子在基本政治价值层面存在的广泛共识。

    Chapter four examines primarily the broad agreement among Han Fei-zi and Pre-Qin masters in a sense of political value .

  16. 最后一部分,主要阐述韩非子非道德主义思想的影响及其作用。

    The last part , mainly expounds the morality of the ideas of han fei zi effect and the function .

  17. 揭示「法」是客观判断的标准,影响法家韩非子法治思想的建立。

    They announced that Law was the standard of objective judgment , and affected the construction of Han-Fei-tz 's thoughts .

  18. 这也是本文探讨韩非子政治思想合理性的原因。

    It is also the reason that this paper discusses the rationality of the political thought of Han fei zi .

  19. 从人性“自为”、“自利”的认识出发,韩非子为君主尽心谋划权力制约之道。

    Based on the knowledge of selfishness of humanity , Han Fei plans and contrives the power restrain methods for monarch .

  20. 第三部分,主要论述韩非子非道德主义思想形成的历史背景和理论依据。

    The third part , mainly discusses the ideas of han fei zi not moral of the historical background and theoretical basis .

  21. 但这些不足并没有妨碍《韩非子》成为一本流传千古的佳作。

    However , these deficiencies did not prevent " Hanfeizi " has become one of the excellent work down through the ages .

  22. 韩非子君主集权制的理论是建立强大的中央集权制的封建国家的理论基础,是顺应历史发展的潮流的。

    Han Feizi 's theory of absolute Monarchy is the theoretical basis of establishing a powerful centralized country andaccords with the historical advancement .

  23. 本文以韩非思想中的君道关系为切入视角,部分性地揭橥了《韩非子》的智论。

    This paper mainly discusses the " wisdom " thought of Han Feizi in the perspective of the relationship between monarch and Tao .

  24. 韩非,又称韩非子,战国末期著名的法家代表人物,法家思想的集大成者。

    Han Fei , also known as Han Fei Zi , the late Warring States representative Legalism , Legalist thinking of the synthesizer .

  25. 另外,《韩非子》一书的语体特点和语言风格也颇有研究价值。

    In addition , stylistic features and style of language is also quite the value for research of the " Han Feizi " .

  26. 本文选择《韩非子》作为文本,采用了定量分析和定性分析相结合的方法。

    As text falling apart this article choose to han fei zi , adopted the method of combining the quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis .

  27. 因此,通过《韩非子》的寓言研究,抛砖引玉,力求为《韩非子》文学艺术的研究献微薄之力。

    Therefore , through the " Hanfeizi " The Fable of research forward to the " Hanfeizi " the study of literature and art offer modest .

  28. 身为法家思想集大成者的韩非子是先秦时期非常重要的一位思想家,其作品《韩非子》意义重大。

    As a synthesizer of Legalist thinking Han Feizi is a very important thinker of the pre-Qin , his work ," Han Feizi " of great significance .

  29. 韩非子有关人口与货财的关系、人口与社会生活资料等观点对后世学者也有影响与启发。

    His viewpoints on the relationship between population and goods , and between population and social life material are also influential and inspiring to the later generation scholars .

  30. 该部分首先从介绍法家思想的基本内容着手,到解析韩非子出生的时代背景,学术背景及他的法治思想内容;其次,全面论述了韩非子的以法治国思想。

    Firstly , the content involves the introduction of basic Legalism , the Han Fei-born background , academic background and his ideological content of the rule of law .