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  • 熟语the theory of Mencius that men are born good
  1. 你生来就有对自己性本善的认知。

    You were born with a built-in recognition of your own goodness .

  2. 他们断言美国文学诞生之日便几乎被扼杀了。人之初,性本善。第四、语法精讲.

    They concluded that American literature had been well-nigh throttled at birth . (

  3. 结果发现:3岁以前的儿童表现出人之初性本善的特征,对他人比较宽厚;

    The results suggested that children showed the good nature before 3 years old ;

  4. 人之初,性本善。

    Man 's nature at birth is good .

  5. 孟子和亚里士多德都洞悉到人类性本善。

    Mencius and Aristotle converge in their vision that human nature is essentially good .

  6. 我们相信人之初性本善。

    We believe people are basically good .

  7. 究竟人是性本善还是性本恶呢?

    Is human born kind or evil ?

  8. 儒家思想占据了中国古代统治思想的主流,在其性本善思想下崇尚贤人之治,倡导人治而非法治。

    Confucianism occupied the mainstream of ruling thought in ancient China , upholding ruling by people of virtue and by men not by law .

  9. 这一兴趣使我不停地了解更多的人,而对人的深入了解则促使我相信人之初,性本善。

    My interest leads me to widen my knowledge of people , and this in turn compels me to believe in the common goodness of mankind .

  10. 于是在计划经济下的一些“性本善”的人们,到了市场经济时代发生了突变。

    Thus , some of the planned economy under the " Sex Education " of the people , by the time the market economy of the mutation happened .

  11. 为推广性教育及提高社会人士对爱滋病的认识,新制作的「性本善」第六辑定名为「爱滋病系列」,目的是深入探讨爱滋病在香港所带来的种种问题。

    To promote sex education and to increase the knowledge of the public on AIDS , RTHK has produced a new series of " Sex Education " on AIDS .

  12. 公务员并非都性本善,其在政策执行过程中,在情、理、法方面存在着公与私、官与民的认识矛盾。

    The civil-servants is not originally good , in the process of implementing the policy , they have a contradiction between " public " and " private " , " official " and " people " .

  13. 但从这件事情上,我学到的关于人性、关于人们的性本善和性本恶、关于环境迫使人去做坏事,都让我对自己审视良多,已经让我知道了如何应对不幸。

    But what I learned from this about humanity , about the nature of good and evil within people , and how circumstances force them to do bad things showed me a lot about myself and how to cope with misfortune .

  14. 他提出“人之出,性本善”,行“仁政”、“保民”,反对诸侯混战,反对残酷的剥削和压迫,对当时各国的政治和战争多所抨击,其主要学说多收在所著《孟子》一书中。

    He assumed that man was good by nature , advocating the benevolent administration and the protection of people and objecting to the dogfight launched by various vassals and cruel exploitation and suppression . All his ideas could be found in his book Mencius .

  15. 但个体诚信并非性本恶或性本善这么简单:我们在一个可能支持,也可能不支持适当行为的社会性和监管环境里行事。

    But individual integrity is not simply a matter of innate vice or Virtue : we operate within a social and regulatory context that can be supportive , or not , of proper behaviour .

  16. 性善论也具体地展开为两个方面:性本善涉及了本体问题,解答了道德实践所以可能的超越客观的根据;

    Specifically speaking ," the theory of the human nature 's kindness " consists of two parts : the theory that " the human nature is properly kind " involves the problem for essence , solving the basis for transcending objects , for which the moral practice is possible .