
xìng qíng
  • temperament;disposition;temper;tendency
性情 [xìng qíng]
  • [disposition;temper] 人的禀性和气质;性格,脾气

  • 易发怒的性情

  • 必句性情。--清. 黄宗羲《柳敬亭传》

  • 人之性情

性情[xìng qíng]
  1. 她的经历使她变得愤愤不平,性情乖僻。

    Her experiences had left her bitter and twisted .

  2. 他是个性情暴烈的人。

    He 's a man of violent passions .

  3. 她的性情非常平和。

    She has a very even temperament .

  4. 她性情暴虐。

    She has a vicious temper .

  5. 他给大家的印象是一个性情相当温和的人。

    He gave the impression of being a rather mild man .

  6. 它们外表可爱,性情也友善。

    They are good-looking and friendly .

  7. 每个人的性情都不同。

    Everyone has a different temperament .

  8. 这是真性情和热情的表现。同时也是一种强大的气场表现。

    It is a sign of both authenticity3 and enthusiasm .

  9. 那老头儿性情古怪,反复无常。

    The old man had always been cranky and erratic .

  10. 建议青年学生们读一些陶冶性情的书籍,以提高自己的心智

    Young students are advised to read edifying books to improve their mind .

  11. 事实上,许多有关于描述性情的术语都使用地不恰当。

    In fact , a lot of temperament terminologies being used are used inappropriately .

  12. 他们认为他为人蛮横无理,性情暴躁,不大能容人。

    He was seen as truculent , temperamental , too unwilling to tolerate others .

  13. 凶悍的性情,绝不会因为年龄增长而变得温和。

    A tart temper never mellows with age .

  14. 杰迪性情豪爽,而哈桑严肃认真,甚至有些过于谨小慎微。

    Jehdi was a cheerful person , whereas Hassan was very serious , perhaps too cautious and careful .

  15. 但尽管它们性情温顺,科学家们仍缺乏有关它们的基本信息,比如鲸鲨的真实年龄。

    But despite their docile2 nature , scientists still lack basic information , such as how long the whale sharks actually live .

  16. 该词源于一项美国研究报告,该研究显示,人们对甜食的偏好与自身的性情有关。那些笑容温暖、性格随和的女孩通常被叫作“甜心”。

    This word comes from an American research report , which revealed that people 's dessert preferences have something to do with their dispositions are often described as " sweethearts . "

  17. n.脾气;性情他昨天心情好,整天都挂着微笑。n.锡;

    temper He was in a good temper yesterday and smiled all day .

  18. n.恶意不要对他怀有恶意,他是个性情善良的人。

    malice Do not bear malice toward him ; he is a good men by nature .

  19. adj.比喻的反:literal“甜美的性情”是一种比喻式的表达,但“甜咖啡”不是。

    figurative " the sweet temper " is a figurative expression , but " sweet coffee " is not .

  20. 但当地市民王先生却声称这只“疑似野狼”是他养了两年的宠物狗——性情温顺的“Lady”.

    But a local man surnamed Wang claimed it was his pet dog Lady that he had reared for two years , and who was gentle in nature .

  21. temper:性情,脾气;tantrum:突然爆发,在口语中也可以表示发脾气。一个商店怎么可能会发脾气。

    eg : How can a store throw a temper tantrum ?

  22. 马歇尔的前任帕特里克·J·赫尔利(PatrickJ.Hurley)大使是个性情古怪的人,有着俄克拉荷马人的判断力和律师式的聪明,他被哄骗着相信自己可以在双方之间斡旋,协助建立一个持久的联合政府。

    Marshall 's eccentric predecessor , Ambassador Patrick J. Hurley , was deluded in believing that with his Oklahoma horse sense and lawyerly acumen he could broker a lasting coalition government .

  23. 仅此一点就让这个性情温顺的小个子男人不顾心中的恐惧,开始搞出机密文件——深信他是亲手在为吉米•卡特(JimmyCarter)刺探情报。

    That 's all it took for the meek little man to ignore his fears and begin bringing out classified documents ─ all in the belief that he was personally spying for Jimmy Carter , God help him .

  24. 性情孤僻的Girodon害怕自己的事情被写到书里,但是他勇敢的捍卫了其妻写作自己人生故事的权利。

    The very private Mr Girodon dreaded being exposed in a book , but he courageously defends his wife 's right to write her own story .

  25. 高层次的交往会有力地塑造一个人的性情。

    Companionship of a high order is powerful to develop character .

  26. 对于雪莱式性情的人,这没有什么奇怪的。

    Not that surprising , to those of a Shelleyesque disposition .

  27. 还有一家叫做“性情”的公司制作性情枕头。

    There is also a company called Temper who makes Temper pillows .

  28. 袜带蛇是性情温和的毒蛇,不会对人类构成危害。

    Garter snakes are only mildly venomous and can 't harm humans .

  29. 巴萨德说,性情相似的人最适合在一起工作。

    People with similar emotional temperaments work best together , Ms. Barsade says .

  30. 其实熊熊们很少主动发起攻击,但它们毕竟是野生动物,性情难以捉摸。

    While bears rarely attack , they are wild animals and therefore unpredictable .