
  • 网络personality difference;character difference
  1. 性格差异是影响医科学生英语学习的因素之一。

    Personality differences are those factors that influence English learning of the students majoring in medicine .

  2. 我相信,不管每个人的性格差异有多大,绝大多数的情感是互通的。

    I believe , regardless of the personality differences , most of the feelings are universal .

  3. 不同组织文化情景间有效领导者性格差异的研究

    The Difference Study of the Effective Leader 's Characters Among Different Organizational Culture

  4. 性格差异很大的一对却能相处地不错。

    Polar opposites that actually do quite well together .

  5. 强调学习者性格差异对第二语言教与学的影响。

    The effect of learners personality on second language learning and teaching is emphasized .

  6. 医科与工科大学生的性格差异

    Character Differences Between Medical and Engineering Students

  7. 安妮是跟杰夫差别最大的一个,上演的将是“性格差异吸引”的戏码。

    Annie is the most different from Jeff , playing off the " opposites attract " theme .

  8. 论《老人与海》与《愚公移山》的人物性格差异及其文化内涵

    The Personality Differences and Culture Connotation of The Old Man and the Sea and Old Man Move the Mountain

  9. 教师在纠正口语错误时需要考虑到学生的性格差异而采取不同的方法。

    Thirdly , according to the learner difference in personality , teachers should take different measures to correct spoken errors .

  10. 公法与私法维度的差异,决定了二者在价值上的不同取向,从而决定了二者的性格差异。

    The dimensional difference between public law and private law leads to different value orientation , and decides their character difference .

  11. 中高级知识分子参与体育活动表现出很大的年龄差异、性别差异和性格差异。

    They are big difference in age , sex and character in the sport involvement of the middle or highly learned person .

  12. 但是我们俩的性格差异太大了,这种爱根本就不能使婚姻美满。

    But that kind of love isn 't enough to make a successful marriage if two people are as different as we are .

  13. 本文分析了影响外语学习者学习成绩的几点个人非智力因素:学习动机、兴趣、态度、性格差异以及相应的解决对策,以达到最佳的教学效果和学习效果。

    This essay analyzes the non-intelligent factors which influence the achievements of the foreign language learners : studying motivation , interest , attitudes and personalities .

  14. 本文指出研究声乐学生的性格差异对声乐学习有着极大的重要意义和指导作用。

    This paper points out that the studying of vocal music students ' personality differences on vocal music study has a great significance and guiding effect .

  15. 一些剧作中的人物关系是超常态的,矛盾冲突并非基于人物性格差异,而是源于家庭成员之间物质利益的冲突。

    A figure some plays is super-normal , and conflicts are not based on differences in character , but from a material conflict of interest between family members .

  16. 最后,从具体的生活背景、世界观、文学观、性格差异等角度分析了两位诗人诗精神产生上述异同点的原因,并且分析了由此产生的艺术特点。

    Finally , compare their poem spirit and the reasons from the angles of background , world view , literature view and character difference as well as the art feature .

  17. 个性本是心理学中的概念,被用来表述人的性格差异。

    The statistic difference of some indicators is significant between psychologists and experience specialists . The individual character , originally a concept in psychology , states people 's personality difference .

  18. 同时,不同性别的生理差异、性格差异、审美差异,环境的不同条件也是决定不同性别空间偏好的重要因素。

    At the same time , the different sex physiological differences , differences in personality , aesthetic differences , different conditions and different environment determine gender space preference are important factors .

  19. 第三,受地域或风俗习惯以及两代人的生活习惯的不同和性格差异的影响,高龄老人多不与子女同住。

    Third , affected by customs and habits of two generations of people , the elderly would not like to live with their children . Many young people migrated to urban for working .

  20. 首先依据知识型产品生产作业类型的对比研究,对MU公司技术型员工进行了合理分类,研究了三类人员工作性格的差异。

    First , make the technical employees reasonable classification according to the contrast study on the production operation types of knowledge-based products , analyzed their different work characteristics .

  21. 你就能容忍人与人间性格的差异。

    You will be able to tolerate differences in personality between people .

  22. 可有人探究过她们性格的差异吗?

    Has anyone ever studied the difference in their characters ?

  23. 从不同的价值观取向看中美民族性格的差异

    On the Differences of the National Characters between Chinese and American Peoples

  24. 结果男女护生的性格无差异。

    Results Male and female nursing major students display no differences in personality .

  25. 但是思想、性格的差异影响到了二人罢官闲居期间的处世心态、行为方式和创作水准。

    But their operas were different because of the difference of their ideas and character .

  26. 高校城乡学生的性格群体差异及其对体育教学的影响

    Personality Differences Between City and Country Students in Colleges and Universities and Their Influence on the Teaching of Physical Education

  27. 钗黛性格的差异,实质上是封建主义势力和反封建主义社会力量的冲突。

    The differences between them are virtually the conflicts which represent the feudalistic force and the social force of the primary democracy .

  28. 撇开个人性格的差异不谈,解释哪些因素在这些清楚的特征中促成了改变。

    Then explain what factors , aside from differences in personal temperament , might contribute to the changes in these distinguishing features .

  29. 大多数书都说重要的是夫妻间的矛盾要公平解决,然而69%的婚姻矛盾因为夫妻性格的差异造成,永远都无法解决。

    Most books say it 's important for couples to fight fair - but 69 percent of all marital conflicts never get resolved because they are about personality differences between couples .

  30. 同时,由于学生的个体天然存在差异,主要表现为性别的差异,在班级中职务的差异,在班级中所处的地位的差异,性格的差异以及学业成就的差异。

    At the same time , the students is the different individual . The main difference are the sex differences , the position and status differences in class , differences in character and differences in academic achievement .