
  • 网络the Sex Pistols;sex pistol;Pistols
  1. 走进新大楼后,利夫舒茨就指着位于正厅的老舞台区对我们说:性手枪乐队(SexPistols)曾在此演出。

    When we enter the new building , Lifschutz points out the old stage in the atrium where the Sex Pistols once played .

  2. 我的意思是说,在当时,由于性手枪乐队太扎眼,EMI和蒙特尔唱片公司都不敢与其接触。

    I mean at the time , you know , the Sex Pistols was , you know , It 's too hot to touch by EMI and Montell record companies .

  3. 最值得注意的是性手枪乐队,在1977年,他们被另外几家唱片公司抛弃。

    Most notably , the Sex Pistols . In 1977 , they are being dropped by several other record companies .

  4. 这家酒店因英国朋克乐队“性手枪”前贝斯手席德•维瑟斯谋杀女友一案而闻名于世。

    The Chelsea Hotel is best known as the place where Sid Vicious killed his girlfriend , Nancy Spungen . Vicious was the former bass player for English punk band the Sex Pistols .

  5. 想想看,你当时是王国的爵士,当性手枪乐队歌唱《上帝拯救女王》时,他们试图以提供罐头食品的罪名逮捕你。这真是非常离奇。

    It is extraordinary to think that you are knight of the realm at the time they are trying to arrest you for serving up the tins when the Sex Pistols were singing God Save The Queen .

  6. 斯坦•葛朗特想想看,你当时是王国的爵士,当性手枪乐队歌唱《上帝拯救女王》时,他们试图以提供罐头食品的罪名逮捕你。这真是非常离奇。

    STAN GRANT It is extraordinary to think that you are knight of the realm at the time they are trying to arrest you for serving up the tins when the Sex Pistols were singing God Save The Queen .