
lěng chǎng
  • A cold field;awkward silence on the stage when an actor enters late or forgets his lines;stage wait;awkward silence at a meeting
冷场 [lěng chǎng]
  • (1) [stage wait]∶舞台演出时,在表演中出现的显著的停顿,而且常是尴尬的停顿

  • (2) [awkward silence at a meeting]∶开会没有人发言时的场面

冷场[lěng chǎng]
  1. 乐队的演唱会遭冷场。

    Few audience attended the band 's concert .

  2. Dadjokes指老爸们想要表现一下幽默却导致冷场的笑话,讲得不好笑却不自知的笑话,好尴尬。

    Dad jokes refer to a variety of failed attempts at humor made by fathers , embarassingly bad jokes that they didn 't realize themselves .

  3. 冷场真是约会中最糟糕的事。

    Awkward silences really are the worst part of dating .

  4. 当面见新的客户时,主动交谈以打破冷场是很重要的。

    When meeting potential new clients , it 's important to break the ice by starting the conversation .

  5. 1990年A.、西伯利亚冰草A.打破冷场;打破僵局

    To Break the Ice

  6. 谈话不一会儿就开始变得单调乏味,接着就完全冷场了。

    The talk soon began to drag , and then died .

  7. 而且我们丝毫没有尴尬冷场。

    And we haven 't had any of those awkward pauses .

  8. 如果长时间冷场,最合适的话题是历史趣闻。

    Prolonged pauses are the best time for that interesting historical fact .

  9. 那是我们第一次约会,突然冷场了。

    It was our first date , there was an awkward silence .

  10. 不会我们本打算让他冷场

    No , we were planning on freezing him out .

  11. 万一出现冷场时可说的话题。

    Subjects to bring up in case the conversation lags .

  12. 谈话中那几次叫人尴尬的冷场。

    One of those unfortunate lulls in the conversation .

  13. 不论在自助餐还是正式宴会上,如果常常冷场,美国人会觉得别扭。

    Many Americans find silence uncomfortable during a buffet or a formal dinner .

  14. 埃玛正在谈论天气,尽量想法客客气气地与人寒暄而不冷场。

    Emma was talking about the weather and trying to make polite conversation .

  15. 晚宴的谈话出现了一会儿冷场。

    The dinner party conversation faltered for a moment .

  16. 会上,大家发言很热烈,没有冷场。

    Everybody spoke enthusiastically at the meeting , There were no awkward silences .

  17. 打破冷场;打破僵局

    To Break the Ice From Silence to Resistance

  18. 总统问我是否喜欢纽约而打破了冷场的局面。

    The President broke the ice by asking me whether I liked New York .

  19. 一谈到宗教信仰问题就会冷场。

    Religious faith is a conversation stopper .

  20. 直到主演在剧场里出现大量的忘词冷场

    until the lead actor had the most massive dry in the history of theatre .

  21. 他停顿了一下,让冷场持续了好一会儿。

    He paused and let the silence accumulate for a while . run disconnected or idle .

  22. 一时间出现了令人尴尬的冷场。

    There is an awkward pause .

  23. 为打破冷场的局面,萨拉首先提了一个问题,很快大家都参加了讨论。

    To break the ice , Sara asked a question and soon everyone joined in the discussion .

  24. 与忍受冷场相比,大多数人都更乐意听你说话,随便什么话题都成。

    Most people would rather listen to you talk about anything than listen to an awkward silence .

  25. 因为需要打破冷场,所以我们说:场面太冷了。

    It needs to break the ice , so we say : the scene is very cold !

  26. 集体游戏可以避免一开始的冷场,甚至可以成为整场聚会的亮点。

    They can help break the ice at the beginning and even become highlights of the reunion .

  27. 蒂姆善于交际,他在晚会上总是首先打破冷场。

    Tim is so outgoing . he 's always the first one to break the ice at parties .

  28. 因为一些技术性的失误,一个笑话不但不能引人发笑,反而导致冷场了。

    Because some technical errors , a joke can 't makes people laugh but rather lead to a awkward silence .

  29. 我们最好事先多安排几个发言人,不要在开会时冷场。

    We 'd better organise several people to speak at the meeting – we don 't want any awkward silences .

  30. 在这个过程中,如果你介绍的双方在互相认识之后陷入冷场,你要尽量帮助他们找到话题。

    Try to help initiate their conversation if they both seem unable to pick up the threads and converse after your introduction .