
lěnɡ shí
  • cold drinks and snacks
冷食 [lěng shí]
  • [cold drinks and snacks] 凉的食品。如:冰激凌、雪糕等

  1. 生产单位合格率为85.40%,销售单位合格率为81.42%(P<0.01),豆制品、肉制品、冷食、酱腌菜的合格率较低;

    The qualified rate was 85.40 % and 81.42 % in production and sales units respectively ( P < 0.01 ), with a low qualified rate in bean products , meat products , cold drinks and snacks and pickles .

  2. 餐厅里已经摆好了自助冷食。

    A cold buffet had been laid out in the dining-room .

  3. 一家老少,都围着桌子坐下,几样简单的冷食,摆在他们面前。

    The family sat down to table , and a frugal meal of cold viands was deposited beforethem .

  4. 芥末果肉蜂蜜即可冷食也可热食。

    The Honey Mustard Fruits can be served cold or warm .

  5. 临沭县2003~2008年冷食产品的监测

    Monitoring of frozen food in Linshu county from 2003 to 2008

  6. 去骨的家禽肉扎紧,然后煮熟,用肉冻覆盖;作冷食吃。

    Boned poultry stuffed then cooked and covered with aspic ; served cold .

  7. 新型食品胶在冷食中的应用

    Application of New Types of Gums in Frozen Food

  8. 这样的话,冷食及少油的食物好些。

    In that case , the food should be cold , not greasy .

  9. 我们都又热又累,我提议一起到公园去吃一点冷食。

    I proposed that we should all go and eat ices in the park .

  10. 台州市2006~2007年各酒店冷食肉制品卫生质量监测

    Hygienic quality of cold cooked meat products in hotels in Taizhou During 2006 ~ 2007

  11. 或许他们认为冷食更是独具风味。

    Presumably because they were considered tastier .

  12. 你很容易就会发现吃冷食对你的身体是不利的。

    You can easily find it not good for your health to eat cold food .

  13. 你可以在旅馆里吃一顿热晚餐,或者同我们一起吃一顿冷食。

    You could have a hot supper at the inn or a cold supper with us .

  14. 美容院、冷食店、殡仪馆.百货商店的美容品专柜

    A beauty / an ice-cream / a funeral parlor The cosmetic shop in a department store

  15. 助餐时不可把冷食,热菜和点心类食物混装在一个盘子里。

    You should not mix hot food with cold food onto one plate at a buffet .

  16. 在古时候,这一天人们不事炊火,只能吃冷食。

    In ancient times , people didn 't cook on this day and only cold food was served .

  17. 但那些应该冷食但店里热乎乎地提供的食物(比如刚烤出来的面包)呢?

    But what of food supplied hot and intended to be eaten cold such as freshly baked bread ?

  18. 一家人围着桌子坐下来,几样素朴的冷食摆在他们的面前。

    The family sat down to table , and a frugal meal of cold viands was deposited before them .

  19. 很多酒馆还经营某种快餐,提供冷食,有时也有热馅饼或烤三明治卖。

    Many pubs also run some kind of snack bar that provides cold food and sometimes hot pies or toasted sandwiches .

  20. 花生蛋白粉可用于肉类制品、谷物焙烤制品、饮料、冷食以及副食品、调味品和休闲食品。

    The peanut meal could be used in meat and cereal roasted products , beverage , flavouring and cold drinks and shacks .

  21. 从今天开始,在超市出售的鲜肉将贴上出产国或“冷食”标签。

    Starting today , fresh food sold in supermarkets must have a country of origin label or " cool " for sure .

  22. 茶餐包含清淡的冷食或烘焙食品,之后晚上再接着吃一顿较为丰盛的餐食。

    High tea consists of a light , cold meal or baked goods , followed by a more substantial meal later in the evening .

  23. 医生说冷食对我身体不好,我最好戒掉吃冷食的习惯,包括冰淇淋或冰。

    The doctor said that cold food was bad for me and that I had better quit the habit of eating cold food , including ice cream or ice .

  24. 避免冷食和冷饮、奶制品和碳酸饮料。确保在演讲过程中随时能拿到一杯或一瓶水。

    Avoid cold food and drinks , dairy products , and carbonated beverages and ensure a glass or bottle of water is within arm 's reach during your speech .

  25. 瘀血质健康妇女和瘀血质原发性痛经患者饮食结构存在明显差异,冷食、辛辣饮食是其发病的诱因之一结论:1.瘀血质与原发性痛经的发病密切相关。

    There was significant differences between healthy women and primary dysmenorrhea patients in diet structure . Cold and pungent diet was one of the most important inducement factors . Conclusion : 1 .

  26. 瘀血体质原发性痛经患者的临床证候以寒湿凝滞证为主。3.瘀血体质患者的发病与饮食结构有密切关系,嗜食冷食、辛辣之品明显增高瘀血质患原发性痛经的发病率。

    Haemostasis constitution is closely related to the incidence of primary dysmenorrhea.2.The haemostasis constitution about primary dysmenorrhea patients ' clinical symptoms were cold-dampness stagnation ones . 3 primary dysmenorrhea patients is closely related to the diet structure .