
  1. 李世民当了皇帝(太宗),每年正月初三要欢宴群臣。

    After Li Shiming became the emperor , he held a huge celebration on the third day of every new year .

  2. 听说有艾滋病心理关怀门诊,他正月初三就来到门诊,希望解除恐艾心理。

    Have heard of AIDS outpatient psychological care , came to him three days of out-patient day , hoping to lift the psychological fear of AIDS .

  3. 正月初三,是湘西凤凰三江镇赶集的日子,居住在周围几十公里内的苗族妇女穿着节日的盛装前来赶集。

    The third day of the first lunar month of Chinese calendar is the day that people in Sanjiang Town , Fenghuang , West of Xiang in Hunan get together and make a big market for shopping .

  4. 在这段期间,最重要的日子就是除夕和正月初一至初三这几天。

    Of them , the most important days are Spring Festival Eve and the first three days .