
zhènɡ shì hé tonɡ
  • formal contract
  1. 在签订正式合同之前,我将发给贵方一份确认书。

    Before entering into a formal contract , I will send you a confirmation .

  2. 他们之间没有签订正式合同,但是实际上他是她的经理人。

    They have no formal contract , but he is , in effect her manager .

  3. SLA是用户和服务提供商所签署的正式合同,它明确规定了所期望的服务质量的级别,包括所期望的服务的行为和服务质量的参数。

    SLA-Service Level Agreement , is a kind of contract between ISP and its customers for QoS purpose , in which both expected behavior and QoS parameters of service are included .

  4. 合同还可分为简单合同和正式合同。

    Another way of classifying contracts is into simple and formal contracts .

  5. 希能很快收到正式合同。

    We look forward to receiving the formal agreement from you soon .

  6. 单词解释:法律保证书正式合同这份合同文件规定了应该支付规定数量的金额。

    eg.The bond paper specifies payment of a stipulated amount of money .

  7. 正式合同并非必须有对价。

    Formal contracts do not have to possess consideration .

  8. 其价格、交货期在签订正式合同时商定。

    The prices and delivery periods shall be agreed upon when the contract is concluded .

  9. 试用期起过后,如果我们双方都满意的话,我们就可以签订正式合同了。

    After that period if we both feel satisfied , a formal contract would be signed .

  10. 卖方应在收到正式合同五天后在5个银行工作日内开具有效验的履约保证金。

    The seller will open the non-operative PB within 5 banking days after receiving the formal contract .

  11. 然而,非正式合约和正式合同的作用既能相互替代,也能相互补充。

    However , formal contracts and informal contracts are substitutive and complementary in solving asymmetric information problems .

  12. 他正就签订正式合同的船运问题与徐先生进行最后的洽谈。

    He is having the final talk about shipment with Mr Xu , before singing the formal contract .

  13. 他靠夜间在一家医院当门童来获取经济来源,直到最终拿到了正式合同。

    He financed his journalism by working night shifts as a hospital porter , until eventually he was offered a job .

  14. 供应商合同管理的目的,为在该供应商与项目已经订有正式合同下管理供应商产品的获取。

    The purpose of supplier agreement management is to manage the acquisition of products from suppliers for which there exists a formal agreement .

  15. 可以处理不同类型的劳动合同如正式合同,兼职合同,返聘合同,借用或外派等情况。

    Handle different types of labor contracts , such as formal , part-time and re-engagement contract , loan or expatriation and so on .

  16. 秘书处接到报名后向参展单位寄发正式合同一式两份,以待会签。

    Upon receipt of the Application Form from the exhibitor , the official Contract in duplicate will be sent to the applicant for signature .

  17. 双方当事人的主要义务是在其约定的期限内诚信谈判以最终订立正式合同。

    The main obligations of the parties in good faith negotiations within the agreed period of time to eventually enter into a formal contract .

  18. 中标人一经接到中标通知,即应开始供货和交货,而不必等到正式合同的签署。

    The successful Tenderer on receipt of notification that his tender has been accepted shall commence supply and delivery without waiting for the execution of the formal contract .

  19. 一份正式合同让茹珊娜得到大约价值3500美元的金子,以及500平方码(约418平方米)的土地。她的家人说,这是以防万一婚姻破裂。

    A formal contract awards Rukhsana roughly $ 3,500 in gold , and500 square yards of land , in case , her family says , the marriage doesn 't work .

  20. 在正式合同制定和签署前,本投标书连同贵方的书面中标通知书应视为约束我们双方的合同。

    Until a formal Contract is prepared and executed , this Bid , together with your written acceptance thereof in your Notification of Award , shall constitute a binding contract between us .

  21. 但是,那些最优秀的人才,当大学毕业的时候,他们会从教授那里得到实习的机会,就这样进入这个行业。然后,他们会从实习公司得到正式合同,根本不用去找其他工作。

    The great college graduates get pulled into an internship by a professor with a connection to industry , then they get early offers from that company and never bother applying for any other jobs .

  22. 商品房认购书是以格式条款的形式订立的独立的合同,它与商品房买卖(预售)合同的关系是预约合同与正式合同的关系。

    The real estate of offers to stand-alone contract is entered into in terms of format in the form of contract with the sale of real estate ( in advance ) appointment contract with the formal contract .

  23. 利物浦还没跟切尔西首席执行官彼得?肯扬签订可能转会的正式合同,但是人们认为这位27岁的左后卫是俱乐部相中的许多左后卫中最接近的一位。

    Liverpool have yet to make formal contact with Chelsea chief executive Peter Kenyon over a possible transfer , but it is thought that the27-year-old is one of a number of left-backs being closely monitored by the club .

  24. 例句在缔结商业协议时,最好签署正式的合同,而不是建立口头协定。

    It is better to conclude a business deal with a formal contract instead of a gentleman 's agreement .

  25. 交通运输部将督促网约车平台与驾驶员签订正式劳动合同,落实驾驶员权益保障责任。

    The Ministry of Transport will require ride-hailing platforms to sign formal labor contracts with drivers and clarify the platforms ' responsibilities to the drivers they employ .

  26. 正式的合同将在适当的时候寄给你。

    A formal contract will be sent to you in UE course .

  27. 如果你真不喜欢她,也只需在正式场合同她在一起

    If you don 't like her , you only need to see her on formal occasions

  28. 如有机会,是否愿意和经纪公司正式签定合同?

    If getting chance , do being ready or not and the manager company conclude a contract formally ?

  29. 长久以来,展示产品的高招就是免费赠送,但近几年,这些善意举措已演变为更正式的合同。

    Gifting has long been a way of showcasing goods but , more recently , these gestures of goodwill have become more formalised arrangements .

  30. 但是目前还没有一份正式的合同,现在说去哪里还为时尚早。

    However , we do not have a concrete offer on the table at the moment and it is still a bit soon for such things .