
fàn kǎ
  • meal card;food card
  1. 交换生离校时应把饭卡交回外事处留学生办公室。

    The exchange students should give the meal card back to the Foreign Affairs Office .

  2. 如不慎丢失饭卡,请立即到办卡处挂失。

    Report this to this office in case of the loss of the meal card .

  3. 饭卡是公司的福利。

    Entrance card is very important .

  4. 员工必须凭有效饭卡进餐,严禁使用他人饭卡或假饭卡。

    Employees should have meal with effective card , do not use bogus or other 's card .

  5. 每一个班次有成千上万人刷刷刷的迅速刷卡打饭,每个月每张饭卡里都会有400元。

    Tens of thousands on each shift pay for meals swiftly by swiping cash cards loaded with 400 yuan ( $ 64 ) a month in food credits .

  6. 还有一次,当我把拾到的饭卡还给食堂时,工作人员竟然让我把里面的钱花了,不必费心去寻找失主。

    Then another time , when I returned a lost dining card to the canteen , the staff asked me to use up the cash on it rather than bothering to find the owner .

  7. 在分析了所有本科生9月中旬到11月中旬的餐卡消费记录之后,南京理工大学教育发展基金会将现金补贴款存入到了301名学生的饭卡当中。

    The Nanjing University of Science And Technology Education Development Foundation deposited cash support into the meal cards of 301 students after analyzing the meal card consumption record of all undergraduates between mid-September and mid-November .