
  1. 原先外面有她表弟帮我打理的,品牌女装招商因出车祸她表弟受伤了走不了,她硬是要求出去管外面生意。

    The original outside her cousin and help me with the accident , because of her cousin hurt cannot walk , she just outside of business requirements .

  2. 论招商品牌和招商营销及其对我国招商引资的促进作用国外知名企业商务营销中的撇脂妙招

    On the FDI Attracting Brand and Marketing and Their Promotion on FDI Inflows to China ; The " Skimming off the Cream " Unique Skill of Overseas Well-known Enterprises in Marketing

  3. 品牌女装招商负责统计的研究员甚至感叹说,“看来没有人写论文能够不引用乔姆斯基”,但就算这样他至今与诺贝尔奖无缘。

    Responsible for statistical researchers even sigh and said ," no one seems to write papers can not quote Chomsky ", but even if he has missed the Nobel Prize with .

  4. 良好的招商引资品牌和大招商营销组合可以大大促进本地区和城市的招商引资活动。

    Good " FDI-attracting brand " and " FDI-attraction marketing " mix will greatly promote the FDI attraction and local economic development .

  5. 长春亚冬会品牌传播价值与招商价值评估报告与应用效果

    An Evaluation Paper and Applicable Effectiveness on Brand Communicational Value and Commercial Value of the Changchun Asia Winter Games