
  • 网络Mall of America;The American Mall;Americana Manhasset
  1. 美国购物中心现在进入封闭当中。

    Mall of America is now going into lockdown .

  2. 它叫“美国购物中心”。

    It 's called The Mall of America .

  3. 美国购物中心的发展实践及理论研究述评

    The Evolution of Shopping Center in USA : Practice and Theory

  4. 在节日期间,许多美国购物中心会设置展示区域,这样孩子们就能见上圣诞老人一面,告诉他自己想要什么。

    During the holiday season , many U.S. shopping malls set up display areas where children can meet Santa and tell him what they want for Christmas .

  5. 现在全美国的购物中心平均空铺率高达8.4%,是商业房地产研究公司REIS十年以来收集到的最高水平数据。

    Nationwide , mall vacancy rates hover at8.4 % , their highest level since commercial real estate research firm REIS started collecting the data almost a decade ago .

  6. 美国的购物中心已有百余年的发展历史。

    The development of American shopping malls has been more than a hundred years .

  7. 对于这种容易打击目标的袭击提出了关于美国境内购物中心安全的质疑。

    The attack on this so-called soft targets raises the question about mall security on U.S. soil .

  8. 肯尼亚外交部长今天表示,他们很肯定目前在韦斯特美国特购物中心的人质寥寥无几。

    Kenyan foreign minister said today they are very certain there are few if any hostages still inside the Westgate mall .

  9. 美国的购物中心由许多像西尔斯和杰西潘尼这样的专卖店和全国性连锁店组成。

    A shopping mall in the States is composed of many individual specialty shops and nationwide chain stores , such as Sears and JC Penny .

  10. 3月,北京:中国采购代表团报告,在搜遍美国所有购物中心之后,根本找不到非中国制造的消费品。

    Beijing : Chinese purchasing missions report that after scouring US shopping malls they have been unable to find any consumer products that are not Chinese-made .

  11. 即使是最小的城市,在美国的购物中心或“商场”,包含各式各样的商店和服务。

    Even the smallest cities in the United States have shopping centers or " shopping malls " that contain a wide variety of stores and services .

  12. 美国郊区有购物中心,称作mall(步行商业区),而居民通常需要有一部车去购物。

    Suburban American has shopping centers called malls and residents usually need a care to get around .

  13. 受电子商务增长影响,美国各大购物中心的客流减少了。

    Part of what we are seeing in general is reduced traffic to the American shopping mall , driven by an increase in e-commerce .

  14. 班加罗尔的购物中心越来越多,它们和美国或欧洲的购物中心数目相当,而且也能够迎合班加罗尔购物需求的增长。

    Bangalore 's increasing number of shopping centers * demands of Bangalore 's shoppers .

  15. 购物中心在欧洲和美国的成功与购物中心高附加值让投资商们怦然心动。

    The success of shopping mall in Europe and America and their high value-added business have made investors so excited .

  16. 而在这个国家,将安全措施置于前沿及中心的是美国明尼苏达州的购物中心。

    Back in this country , one more that puts its security front and center , is Minnesota 's Mall of America .

  17. 沃尔玛国际业务部门将今年计划开设的新店面积缩减了约30%,规模相当于115至126家美国本土的超级购物中心。

    Walmart International cut its plans for new store space this year by about 30 per cent to the equivalent of between 115 and 126 US Supercenters .

  18. 后来,有一天下班后,当我在卷饼摊后台休息的时候,我看到了美国国民警卫队在购物中心里设置的征兵处。

    Then one day , on my break from work at the pretzel stand , I spotted a U.S. Army National Guard Recruiting booth in the mall .

  19. 美国作为现代大型购物中心的发源地,其发展大致经历了三个时期形成期、发展期和成熟期。

    The USA which acts as the cradle of modern large shopping center , experiences three periods : the initial stage , the development and the mature .