
  1. 美国经济危机位于2008年十大新闻的第二位。

    The American economic crisis was second on the list of top stories last year .

  2. 美国经济危机预示着其世界霸权的终结。

    T he economic crisis in the US signals the end of American global hegemony .

  3. 快速时尚于十九世纪中期美国经济危机之后出现,跨越了三个世纪已经逐渐发展壮大。

    Fast fashion appeared in mid-nineteenth century after American economic crisis , and has gradually grown spanning three centuries .

  4. 奥巴马总统说,像埃尔克哈特这样的地方,已经充分证明美国经济危机的严重程度。

    President Obama says Elkhart , and towns like it , provide the full measure of the economic crisis .

  5. 两家公司于周四宣布将在美国经济危机的形势下合并。

    They 're making an announcement Thursday about the merger which comes in the midst of financial troubles for American .

  6. 但是对那些没有准备好投入马克思主义怀抱的人们来说,马克思在早年美国经济危机时期写给恩格斯的信显然更具娱乐价值。

    But for those not quite ready to immerse themselves in Marxist theory , Marx 's correspondence to Friedrich Engels at the time of an earlier US economic crisis makes more entertaining reading .

  7. 众院共和党领袖伯纳尔似乎在寻求为两党合作奠定基础,他在星期二的一份声明里说,共和党议员“希望在解决美国经济危机和其他议题上,寻求和总统共同的立场”。

    House Republican leader John Boehner appeared to be seeking to lay the groundwork for cooperation , saying in a statement Tuesday that Republicans " look forward to finding common ground with the President on solutions to the U.S. economic crisis among other issues .

  8. 美国经济大危机与反垄断法的演进

    The Great Depression in 1930 's and the Development of Anti - trust Act

  9. 但除此以外,还有其他的联系太,之间的战争和美国的经济危机和衰退。

    But there are other links too , between the war and US economic crisis and decline .

  10. 1929年到1933年,美国经济大危机,就业形势非常严峻。

    The problem of unemployment became very serious during the great economic crisis from 1929 to 1933 in America .

  11. 几个小时后他就改口说,他认为美国经济处于危机之中。

    McCain reversed his comments within a matter of hours and said he thought the economy was in a crisis .

  12. 他说,他认为美国处于经济危机,他誓言要清除华尔街的贪婪和腐败。

    McCain said he believes the country is in an economic crisis and he vowed to clean up the greed and corruption on Wall Street .

  13. 被认为是共和党总统参选人当中领先的前麻萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼将美国的经济危机怪罪于奥巴马总统。

    Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney , considered the front-runner for the Republican nomination , blamed President Barack Obama for the country 's economic crisis .

  14. 美国是此次经济危机的重灾区。

    The United States has been hit hard by the crisis .

  15. 那么,美国经济在这次危机中的表现如何?

    So how well has the US economy done in this crisis ?

  16. 而美国经济在信贷危机之后一直疲弱。

    And in the US , the economy remains fragile after the credit crunch .

  17. 奥巴马总统表示,美国经济虽然处于危机之中,但可以整治。

    President Barack Obama says America 's economy is in crisis but can be repaired .

  18. 美国导致的经济危机使得墨西哥人极为震惊,但是,墨西哥人几乎不想要一个更加开放的经济体。

    Reeling from an American-made recession , however , Mexico is hardly in the mood for a more open economy .

  19. 尽管美国仍然深陷经济危机,一些公司仍然坚挺,刺激了投资者信心和股票价格。

    Despite a deep US recession , some companies are holding up , boosting investor confidence and the value of shares .

  20. 近期欧洲和美国遭遇的经济危机证明其纾困计划的局限性,中国在处理经济危机的手法上要高明许多。

    European and American solutions to their financial crises show the limitations of their economic model and the superiority of China 's.

  21. 她还说,美国在处理经济危机时必须避免采取贸易保护主义政策,因为这可能会损害墨西哥争取解决经济危机的努力。

    Clinton also said the United States must avoid protectionist policies that could harm Mexico as it deals with the economic crisis .

  22. 美国经济已脱离危机,但只要美国经济仍未恢复活力,美联储就必须继续实行宽松的货币政策。

    The US economy is no longer in crisis but as long as it stays sluggish , the Fed will oblige with easy monetary policy .

  23. 共和党方面做出了反应,来自威斯康辛州的国会议员保罗。瑞恩代表共和党表示,奥巴马总统的预算案将令美国目前的经济危机雪上加霜。

    Speaking for the Republicans , Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin said the president 's budget plan will make America 's current economic crisis much worse .

  24. 约翰逊教授认为:“就其深度和突然性而言,美国经济和金融危机与我们近来在新兴市场看到的情形有着惊人的相似之处。”

    " In its depth and suddenness , " argues Prof Johnson , " the US economic and financial crisis is shockingly reminiscent of moments we have recently seen in emerging markets . "

  25. 这一次,市场担心中国将难以免受美国和欧洲经济危机的影响,从而将导致原材料需求放缓。

    This time , markets are concerned that China will not be immune from the economic woes of the US and Europe – and that slowing raw materials demand will be the result .

  26. 美国成为这次经济危机的最大受害者,很多人就断言,这次危机就是美国梦的瓦解,美国精神和美国神话的垮台。

    America became the greatest victim of this crisis and many people then claimed that this crisis was the collapse of the American dream , and the downfall of American spirit and American myth .

  27. 然而,收费电视目前正面临威胁,特别是在美国。受经济危机影响,订阅费用一路飙升以至于众多观众无力支付。同时。

    But pay-television is now under threat , especially in America ( see article ) . Prices have been driven so high at a time of economic malaise that many people simply cannot afford it .

  28. 甚至早在2008年危机爆发之前,中产阶级选民就开始担忧薪资、医疗支出和学费(而不是税率),而且随着美国经济逐渐从危机中复苏,选民们将继续担忧这些问题。

    Wages , healthcare , tuition these , not tax rates , worried middle-class voters even before the crisis of 2008 and they will continue to worry voters as the economy emerges from the crisis .

  29. 美国汽车行业受到经济危机重创。

    The U.S. auto industry was hit hard by the recession .

  30. 受到美国恶果的&经济危机的影响的人最喜欢美国!

    And the people who suffer the economic crisis caused by USA loves USA the most .