
měi lì dòng rén
  • Beautiful and moving;loveliness;so beautiful and charming
美丽动人[měi lì dòng rén]
  1. 我把自己收拾得十分整洁,美丽动人。

    I made sure I was very clean and looking my best .

  2. 她是位美丽动人的女子。

    She is a lovely woman .

  3. 回到原来的滑梯我想说的是这本杂志非常的好看因为因为portia不仅外表美丽动人还兼具内在美等等等等但是你们都看看啊看那颧骨还有

    Anyway , what was I saying , this is a great magazine , because ... I mean , Portia is beautiful and on the inside too , blablabla ... but look at that , the cheekbones and the ...

  4. 当她一天天长大时,她是非常美丽动人的。

    When her teeth grew in she was quite strikingly beautiful .

  5. 罗依:你的脸&那么青春洋溢,美丽动人。

    Ro : your face-it 's all youth , all beauty .

  6. 在遥远的希腊古国,有一个美丽动人的传说。

    In the distant ancient Greece , there was a beautiful legend .

  7. 他要把这座纪念馆建造的像她一样美丽动人。

    He wanted the monument to be as lovely as she was .

  8. acertain:一定的fascination:着迷当你美丽动人,优雅端庄的时候的确让我很着迷。

    You held a certain fascination when you were beautiful , delicate ...

  9. 承诺就是玫瑰花,美丽动人,伤人至深。

    Commitment is the roses , beautiful , deep hurt .

  10. 借助唐宋诗词向我们描述了一幅幅美丽动人的画卷。

    Poets describe beautiful and vivid pictures by means of Tang-Song poetry .

  11. 鲜花是美丽动人的。

    Fresh flowers are such a lovely thing of beauty .

  12. 那个女孩穿着婚纱格外美丽动人。

    The girl is all the more beautiful in her wedding gown .

  13. 阳光的照耀下,它们看上去更加色彩鲜艳,美丽动人了。

    It made their colors even more bright and beautiful .

  14. 《布鲁克林》集简单的叙事为精华,呈现出一曲美丽动人的故事。

    Brooklyn is the very essence of a simple story , beautifully told .

  15. 与美丽动人的艾米莉·索恩小姐的订婚典礼

    to the lovely and beguiling Ms. Emily Thorne .

  16. 瞧她,多美丽动人

    Look at her . She 's so pretty .

  17. 她美丽动人,她们只是相貌平平;

    She 's gorgeous , they 're merely average-looking ;

  18. 他看见美丽动人的姑娘抛出卖弄风情的眼色。

    He saw coquettish glances cast by magnificent girls .

  19. 因为这个名字带我走进了一个美丽动人的童话世界。

    Because this name let me go in to a petty fairy tales world .

  20. 三位爱人都穿着白色的新婚礼服,美丽动人。

    All three women wore white wedding gowns .

  21. 可否记得你我曾经拥有过?那些美丽动人的日子?

    Do you still remember the beautiful moments we had as we were kids ?

  22. 二石与月亮相配,便有了美丽动人的故事。

    Two stones and moon match each other , having the beauty moving story then .

  23. 公主年方22岁美丽动人

    She was 22 , quite pretty ,

  24. 但她那双琥珀色迷人的大眼睛却依然那样美丽动人。

    But her eyes were still the same : large and amber and remarkably beautiful .

  25. 那位美丽动人的电影明星使我们赞叹不已。

    The glamorous movie star dazzled us .

  26. 晚会,她虽身着素装,依然美丽动人。

    Although she is simply dressed , she is still very beautiful at the party .

  27. 我编的这本神话故事讲了很多美丽动人的民间故事。

    The book of Fairy Tales I edited tells many beautiful and moving folk stories .

  28. 轻盈如羽毛,又结实得像张生牛皮,可仍然那么美丽动人呀。

    Feather light and strong as rawhide , and pretty enough to kiss for all that .

  29. 这类女性通常美丽动人,然而你会轻易地被她们的美貌迷住。

    These women are often beautiful . You are easily blinded by her beauty , though .

  30. 她年轻健康、精力充沛而且美丽动人,她可以不再长久地悲伤了。

    She was young and strong and beautiful , and could not remain sad for long .