
  1. 第四章是丰子恺关于绘画与文学(诗歌)的美学思想。

    The fourth chapter painting and literature ( poetry ), for example .

  2. 韩佳,丰子恺先生的漫画作品在中国很有名吧?

    Han Jia , Feng Zikai 's caricatures are quite well-known , right ?

  3. 丰子恺先生是中国的第一位漫画家。

    Feng Zikai was China 's first-ever caricaturist .

  4. 对主体性失落的警惕&丰子恺的艺术观与科学观

    Alarm on Loss of Subjectivism : Feng Zi-kai 's View of Art and Science

  5. 丰子恺对于现代机械文明的看法,正构成他现代性反思的一个极其重要的方面。

    Zikai 's views on modern mechanical civilization are his very important reflections on modernization .

  6. 本论文以丰子恺的散文作为研究对象,分析其散文创作的边缘化倾向。

    This paper takes his prose as research , analysis the marginalization tendencies of his prose creation .

  7. 丰子恺中国美术优胜论的提出,实际上负有一种遏止科学实用精神、维护艺术独立地位的使命,并且和当时中国立人的时代主题是一脉相承的。

    His theory was aimed at checking the scientific utilitarian spirit and safeguarding the independent position of art .

  8. 李叔同任教于浙江两级师范学堂,学生中包括丰子恺。

    Li Shutong teaches at the Normal College of Zhejiang , with Feng Zikai as one of his students .

  9. 真诚的人性与和平的生活环境对于丰子恺追求率真自然的童心有着重要的影响。

    Sincere humanity and peaceful living environment are important influences on Fengzikai 's pursuit of genuine and natural childlike heart .

  10. 文章通过对丰子恺诗意漫画的具体分析,来解读丰子恺漫画的诗意化现象。

    Article by analysis of the Feng poetic comics , to specific interpretation of the the Feng comic poetic phenomenon .

  11. 秦牧和丰子恺的同题散文《秋》的写作方法差异很大。

    The writing method of Qin Mu 's and Feng Zikai 's proses with the same title Autumnis quite different .

  12. 虽然不像是丰子恺先生的画风,但是有点儿像嘉兴秀州的农民画。

    Although it does not resemble Feng Zikai 's style , it looks somewhat like a farmer painting in Xiuzhou of Jiaxing .

  13. 第一节主要论述了丰子恺关于西洋传统绘画与中国传统绘画的区别的思想。

    The first section discusses mainly about western traditional paintings and Feng zi-kai , the difference between the traditional Chinese painting thoughts .

  14. 丰子恺的以培植和永葆艺术心为宗旨的艺术教育思想,在20世纪美学史上独树一帜。

    FENG Zi-kai 's thoughts of aesthetic education aiming at cultivating and preserving artistic psyche stand out in the aesthetic history of the 20th century .

  15. 丰子恺兼有漫画家和散文家两重身份,其漫画深受文学的影响,具有丰富的文学意蕴。

    Feng Zikai has a dual identity of caricaturist and proser , his caricature is greatly influenced by literature and thus has abundant literature implication .

  16. 各有一方园地&比较秦牧和丰子恺同题散文《秋》

    Each Having One s Own " Garden Plot " & On the Two Proses of the Same Title Autumn by Qin Mu and Feng Zikai ;

  17. 文章主要从人物描写、景物描写和心理描写等方面,来探讨丰子恺散文中对空白的运用。

    This article mainly explores the use of blank in FENG Zi-kai 's prose in terms of the description of character , scenery and people 's mind .

  18. 以往丰子恺研究工作所涉及的领域,多集中于三个方面:漫画创作、生平传记和友谊往来;

    The scope of Feng Zikai studies used to cover three areas : cartoon painting , his life and associations with his friends , and his prose .

  19. 论文上篇的作品论部分,主要扣住丰子恺儿童作品的情和趣两个方面。

    The first part of the paper is about his works of children which relates to the two parts of the " feeling " and the " interest " .

  20. 本人在全面阅读了丰子恺的散文作品后,以为其中泛现的独特之处使得其在中国现代散文史上应有其相应的位置。

    Through the overall study of Feng Zikai 's prose , I consider he should have a fitting fame in the history of Chinese modern prose for the peculiarity of his prose .

  21. 本文围绕丰子恺倡导的“艺术心”作细致分析,揭示其“艺术心”美育观的丰富内涵和艺术观、艺术教育观的基本要点以及对于现实的启发性。

    This article offers a detailed study centering on artistic psyche , and reveals the depth of aesthetic psyche , the key gists of artistic and aesthetic educational psyche as well as its implication .

  22. 同时,作为白马湖作家群一员的丰子恺,也具有这个作家群的作品风格:恬淡的风格和自然质朴的文风。

    Meanwhile , as a member of " white horse 's lake writer group ", have this writer 's works style of group : Indifferent to fame or gain style and naturally simple writing style .

  23. 本文以丰子恺一生及其与其自身价值追求相关的经历为线索,以客观分析其精神气质的态度表明时代文化变革与传统文化精髓在他身上的奇妙结合。

    The paper , taking as the clue FENG Zi-kai 's whole life and the experience related to his pursuit of his self value , objectively analyzes his mental quality to show the marvelous combination of contemporary cultural change with traditional cultural quintessence in him .

  24. 摘要丰子恺的艺术生涯是从漫画开始的,丰子恺一生绘画题材广泛,而篇幅较小,用笔简练,着色简单,成稿较快,所以数量较多,流传甚广。

    Feng Zi-kai s art career began from cartoon , his drawing theme is extensive , the length less , the style of writing pithy , the colour simple , and the finished manuscript faster , so the quantity of his drawings is more , his drawings spread extensively .

  25. 摘要《护生画集》是由近代著名佛教高僧弘一大师和他的学生丰子恺共同创作的一部旨在弘扬佛法慈悲、戒杀护生思想的漫画丛书。

    Painting album : protection of life is a cartoon series created together by master Hong yi , a famous Buddhist in the modern times , and his student Feng zikai , whose gist is to publicize benevolence of Buddha Dharma and the thoughts to stop killing and protect life .

  26. 丰子恺生活在传统向现代过渡的特定历史时期,他受到传统与现代的双重影响。主要是以夏衍的创作为论述的基础,以说明夏衍创作中受到契诃夫、高尔基双重影响及其相互关系。

    Because of living the period of particular transitional history from traditional ages to modem times , he was influenced by traditional culture as well as modern culture . The analysis is mainly based upon Xia Yan 's play writing since he was influenced both by Chekhov and by Gorky .