
měi wén
  • belles-lettres
  1. 他仿佛博尔赫斯(Borges)爱冷笑的淘气儿子,小心翼翼地创造出一张严密的,由极右文学家与美文创作者构成的大网,对于他们来说,希特勒意味着美、真理与伟大的失落希望。

    As if he were Borges 's wisecracking , sardonic son , Bola ñ o has meticulously created a tightly woven network of far-right litt é rateurs and purveyors of belles lettres for whom Hitler was beauty , truth and great lost hope .

  2. 我写了一段美文在笔记本里。

    I wrote down a beautiful essay in the notebook .

  3. 《美文》的理论建构及其意义。

    Second , the theoretical construction that posed by " Meiwen " .

  4. 美文与审美&关于新世纪散文批评理念重建的思考

    Prose and Aesthetics & Reflections on Reconstruction of New-century Prose Criticism Concepts

  5. 睡觉前,看一篇让我感动的外国美文;

    Before to sleep , I always read a moving article in English ;

  6. 本文从唐颂之内涵、形式技巧与美文特质等角度对其进行了分析,以对这一时期的颂文作初步之窥探。

    The paper tries to analyze its contents , writing skills and its beauty .

  7. 《美文》散文作家的群体类型与审美探索。

    Three , the prose writers groups and aesthetic exploration in " Meiwen " .

  8. 南楚巫娼习俗与中国美文传统

    The Custom of Witch Prostitution in the Southern Chu and the Tradition of Chinese Poetic Prose

  9. 中国白话散文史论略&对美文的探索

    A Brief History of Chinese Modern Language Prose & A Probing of " Beautiful Prose "

  10. 谢无量先生认为文章可以分为两大类,即美文与实用文。

    Xie Wu-liang thinks articles can be divided into two parts , practical articles and beautiful articles .

  11. 游记这种文体随着旅游业的发展而更加成熟、更显重要,它是作者在旅游中所见所闻所感的记述,是作者思想感情与自然人文画面融为一体的美文。

    With the development of tourism , the literary form of travels has become more mature and more important .

  12. 笔调清新,语言优美,韵律感强,是一篇不错的美文。

    Style fresh , beauty of language , metrical sense is strong , article is a good splendid text .

  13. 最后,从理论指导实践的角度,提出如何在新闻写作中贯彻审美的意识,写出可读性强的美文。

    Lastly , use theory lead practice , bring forward how to carry out aesthetic consciousness in journalistic writing .

  14. 散文作为“美文”,是人类精神与心灵秘密最自由的显现方式。

    Essay , as a beautiful article form , is the freest spirit and soul displaying way of mankind .

  15. 我也希望自己能够变成那美文中的“我”,希望每天都能把快乐带到你们的身边。

    And I also hope I could become " I " in the wonderful words and bring happiness to you everyday .

  16. 在这种文化基础上,依法纳税成为每个公民自觉的思维和行动。其作品的艺术美、精神至美和美文思想又使它具有极高的审美价值;

    Tax payment culture is a kind of spiritual ideas that makes by the taxpayer and embodies through the economic behaviors .

  17. 从阅读教学的任务看,审美教育本身就是重要任务之一,同时,阅读教学与审美教育又有着共同的媒介&教材中精心选择的美文。

    At the same time , teaching reading and aesthetic education share the same media & the selected articles in the textbooks .

  18. 梳理小品文概念的发展过程,分析小品文、美文、纯文学散文、絮语散文、幽默散文等概念的关系以及演变。

    It illustrates the development process of familiar concept and analyses pure literature prose essays , later , letters prose , humor prose .

  19. 潘氏美文以人的精神情态为着眼点,以人情世态为聚光镜来看取社会、看取人生。

    Viewing society and life from the angle of peoples spirit , emotion and attitude , Pans essays lay stress on social cultural criticism .

  20. 体验之行,如:英语歌曲、美文、剧本展演活动、教师课堂展示活动、聆听专家讲座等。

    In Journey of experience , you may enjoy English songs , excellent articles , scripts and the display of class activities and expert lectures .

  21. 《美文》散文创作的作家群体,大致可分为老生代散文作家、学者型散文作家、西部散文作家和杂类散文作家等四个类型。

    The group of prose writers in " Meiwen " can be broadly divided into older generation prose writers , scholars prose writers , western prose writers and miscellaneous prose writers .

  22. 要处理这种情绪上的负担,有一种办法就是像利欧·巴布塔在他的博客美文《如何在纷繁世界中泰然生活》中所说的,适当放低对自己的要求。

    One way to deal with overload is to pare down commitments , as Leo Babauta describes in his beautiful post , How to be less busy in a busy , busy world .

  23. 《楚辞·大招》与楚巫文化南楚巫娼习俗与中国美文传统

    The Songs of the South · Da Zhao and the Witch Culture of the State of Chu The Custom of Witch Prostitution in the Southern Chu and the Tradition of Chinese Poetic Prose

  24. 美文是20世纪二、三十年代兴起的纯文学化的散文,直至今天仍颇为流行。

    In this paper , Chinese pure prose is taken as the object to analyze . Chinese pure prose is a sort of essay rose in the 20s ~ 30s in 20th century .

  25. 有美文的人容易被想得很美,若果真是美人写出的美文,那上天可真够偏爱他的。

    Has the belle-lettre the person easily wants to result in very beautifully , if really is the belle-lettre which the beautiful Man writes , that heaven may really suffice to be partial to him .

  26. 今天在学习英语的时候,发现了这篇美文,突然觉得和我早期的文章花儿和小草的爱情故事有点相似,故转载下来慢慢欣赏。

    Today in learning English , the United States found this article , I suddenly felt Grass 's early love story and the facts of the article is somewhat similar to reproduce it down slowly appreciate .

  27. 本文首先从对美文美育概念的释义入手,论述中学语文课程进行美文美育教育的必要与可能。

    In this paper , first of all from the " aesthetic Meiwen " interpretation of the concept of starting secondary school language courses on the text of Aesthetic Education in the United States and may be necessary .

  28. 在三四十年代特殊的政治社会文化氛围下,湘西小说一类的美文创作,在主流意识形态的夹持下变得艰难。

    In the four decades on behalf of the particular political and social and cultural atmosphere , the beauty of western Hunan text of a class of novel creation , in the mainstream ideology has become difficult under the clamp .

  29. 我还感觉到好像那些字句也乐于让我们发现,它们是那么毫无保留地,慷慨地为这无名氏作者借用,而现在轮到这位无名氏来学习与人分享这些美文的奥秘。

    And I felt as if the words somehow delighted in being discovered , for they were obviously very generous to the as yet anonymous writer of the notes . And now this person was in turn learning the secret of sharing them .

  30. 现当代散文又被誉为美文,它以语言优美、结构完整、哲理深刻吸引着广大的高中学生,成为高中学生最喜欢阅读的文体之一,但现当代散文课堂教学的效果却不尽人意。

    It is a beauty of language and complete structure , philosophy , deep attracted broad high school students . It becomes one of the reading styles which high school students like most . But modern and contemporary prose classroom teaching effect is actually unsatisfactory .