- close-up;feature;article;feature article or story;feature article story

(1) [feature;feature article story;article]∶报告文学的一种。借用电影艺术中特写镜头的表现手法反映社会生活的文学形式。其特点是抓住现实生活中人物或事件的某一富有特征性的部分,作集中的、精细的、突出的描绘和刻画,具有高度的真实性和强烈的艺术感染力
(2) [close-up]∶拍电影的一种手法,拍摄人或物的一部分,使特别放大
The royal family members are always good copy for a magazine feature .
Despite less-than-flattering publicity generated by a New York Times ' feature on gender inequality at Harvard , an MBA from the school remains the quintessential credential in business .
The election broadcast consisted largely of talking heads .
It was strange to see her own face in close-up on the screen .
The close-up photography and commentary are clear and unambiguous .
The book abounds with close-up images from space .
The camera moved in on the hero for a close-up sequence .
This phrase is the loudmouth version of a talking head , a person , such as a newscaster or pundit , talking on television while shown in a close-up shot , an epithet3 that entered the language around 1976 .
Many of these adulatory characterizations were attributed to unnamed sources .
Betty , write the feature . No photos , please .
She added later , " Your selfie is your headshot , so you can reinvent yourself every day with simply your iPhone . "
The top-billed star of The Search for General Tso gets its close-up in the opening scene : the staging of that namesake chicken dish for a menu photo shoot .
Even features about unidentified flying objects ( UFOs ) are based on information obtained under the FOIA .
The fact that I 've called it X , is really just a programming & it 's a feature of the programming language that I , the human , can now refer to it .
Jony Ive , Apple 's longtime design chief , added his criticism of Mr. Isaacson 's biography last month in a New Yorker profile .
Their television shows since The Cosby Show have offered exemplars of dutiful fathers ; their celebrity magazines feature Brad Pitt with a toddler strapped to his chest .
After Kim shared a close-up photo of the Louis Vuitton on Instagram Wednesday , her followers went into a baby name spiral sharing all of their thoughts and suggestions in the comments .
SciDev . Net 's regular swine flu science updates are part of the swine flu subtopic which offers up-to-date news , opinions and features on swine flu and the developing world .
Close up photos of animal eyes by talented photographer Suren Manvelyan . Do not worry , no animals were harmed during this unique photo session .
For wider landscape shots and close-ups , try Olloclip 's 4-in-1 lens , which for $ 80 ( 70 ) , provides macro and fisheye lenses that slot neatly over an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy camera .
In this feature , Sarah Tomlin reports on the Millennium Villages project , brainchild of Jeffrey Sachs , who heads the UN Millennium Project and the US-based Earth Institute .
A separate article in Nature reports on RTS , S dubbed " the world 's most advanced malaria vaccine " which may shortly reach the final phase of clinical trials .
A feature , such as an advertisement or calender , inserted as a centerfold . Improvement on anti-aliasing of several interpolation methods for the use in Scaler
Most of SciDev . Net 's recent news and feature articles relating to China have been translated in Chinese and can be viewed online at : / chinese / gateway .
A month before the Supreme Court dismissed the California measure , Ms. Schake persuaded Kris Perry and Sandy Stier of Berkeley , Calif. , who had been together more than a decade , to pose for a feature in People magazine .
Afghanistan 's opium industry is teetering on the brink of legalisation , and could provide a source of opiates for the developing world , reports Katharine Sanderson in this Nature article .
In the accompanying feature , science journalist Yojana Sharma describes how mobile phones , mini labs and simple kits can all help to detect counterfeits quickly and cheaply .
He was featured on a commemorative stamp , was made the subject of a 2011 biopic starring Harrison Ford as Rickey and Chadwick Boseman as Robinson , and starred in a 2014 Mazda3 commercial , the greatest of all honors .
She also visited Hiwot , the17-year old mother from WHO 's Great Expectations photo feature two days after the birth of her baby .
WITCHES OF AMERICA . By Alex Mar. ( Sarah Crichton / Farrar , Straus & Giroux , $ 26 . ) Mar presents a seeker 's memoir told through a quilted veil : a collection of strong journalistic profiles of fascinating modern practitioners of the occult .