
  • 网络SALT
  1. 电影《特工绍特》是今年一部好莱坞动作惊悚大片。

    Salt is an American action thriller film .

  2. .过去几个月里,她一直在拍摄新的动作片《特工绍特》,但她发现自己更加关注政治舞台。

    She has been filming new action movie Salt for the past couple of months but finds herself ever more drawn to the political

  3. 过去几个月里,她一直在拍摄新的动作片特工绍特,但她发现自己更加关注政治舞台。

    She has been filming new action movie Salt for the past couple of months but finds herself ever more drawn to the political arena .

  4. 调查表明,朱莉的大部分收入来自出演动作影片《通缉令》的分红,但《特工绍特》的预付薪水也不菲。

    Most of Jolie 's income came from her share of the profits from her action film " Wanted , " but she was also paid a large upfront sum for her role in " Salt , " the study said .

  5. 作为一名中央情报局的女特工,伊芙琳-绍特(安吉丽娜-朱莉饰演)发誓效忠责任、荣耀和国家。

    As a CIA officer , Evelyn Salt swore an oath to duty , honor and country .