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  1. 一个在地球上活了数千年的长生不老的永恒族从藏匿处现身以对抗宿敌异常族。

    An immortal6 race that has been on Earth for thousands of years comes out of hiding to battle their nemesis7 , The Deviants .

  2. 23日Deadline网站披露了这一消息后,迪士尼24日早上在加州阿纳海姆举行的粉丝大会D23Expo上宣布哈灵顿将饰演《永恒族》中的戴恩·惠特曼。

    Disney announced he will play Dane Whitman in " The Eternals " during a panel at the D23 Expo in Anaheim , California on Saturday morning , after the news broke on Friday via Deadline .

  3. 嘉玛·陈将饰演瑟西,永恒族主要人物之一。

    Gemma Chan will be playing one of the main Eternals , Sersi .

  4. 《永恒族》:2020年11月6日上�

    November 6 , 2020 : " The Eternals "

  5. 同样出演《永恒族》的还有安吉丽娜·朱莉、萨尔玛·海耶克、唐·李和劳伦·瑞德罗夫(《行尸走肉》)。

    Also starring in " The Eternals " is Angelina Jolie , Salma Hayek , Don Lee , and Lauren Ridloff ( " The Walking Dead " ) .

  6. 安吉丽娜·朱莉、库梅尔·南贾尼、理查德·麦登和布莱恩·泰里·亨利饰演“永恒族”——数千年来隐居在地球上的长生不死的外星人。

    Angelina Jolie , Kumail Nanjiani , Richard Madden and Brian Tyree Henry head the cast as Eternals , immortal aliens who have hidden out of sight on Earth for thousands of years .

  7. 在这部电影中,哈灵顿会和曾共同参演过《权力的游戏》的理查德·麦登再度合作,迪士尼宣布后者将饰演伊格瑞斯,永恒族的首领之一。

    In the film , Harington will reunite with his former " Game of Thrones " costar , Richard Madden , who was announced to play Ikaris , one of the leaders of the Eternals .

  8. 杰克·科比创作的这部漫画介绍了天神创造出的三个不同种族:异常者(一个不断打斗的种族)、人类和长生的永恒族,永恒族有30多个人。

    The Jack Kirby comic introduces three different groups of beings that were created by celestial Gods : the Deviants ( a group that was constantly at war ) , humans , and the immortal Eternals , of which there are more than 30 .